Tag: climate change

March 3, 2023 Nick Kempe 14 comments

On Wednesday NatureScot, formerly known as Scottish Natural Heritage, issued a news release (see here) about how they had entered a partnership with the Hampden & Co, Lombard Odier Investment Managers and  Palladium (the company that in in a partnership with National Parks across the UK called “Revere).  They described this as: “a ‘national first’…

December 19, 2022 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Balloch is a village nested in woodland as the online map (above) from the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA’s) Trees and Woodlands Strategy 2019-39 shows (see here).   In my view, any plan to improve the “visitor experience”/tourism at Balloch should start from the fine views from the loch shore, the remaining…

November 25, 2022 Nick Kempe 2 comments

After the first three questions in NatureScot consultation on National Parks, which are about whether to turn them into vehicles for “green finance” (see here), the fourth is about the role of local communities (see here).  The introductory text to the section claims that our National Parks “provide exemplars of community engagement” but contain no…

November 4, 2022 Nick Kempe 3 comments

  #netzerowithnature is a hashtag now being frequently used by the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) but is also “the collective strategy of the National Parks in the fight against climate change and the biodiversity crisis” (see here). The LLTNPA newsletter went on to say: Last year, in the continued fall-out from…

September 28, 2022 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

This post contains the second part of the report (see here for first) that was presented to Ivan McKee, the Minister responsible for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) at the beginning of July.   Draft Report in response to the financial crisis facing Cairngorm Part II  The bigger picture 4) What is needed at Cairn…

September 9, 2022 Nick Kempe 11 comments

Just four months after Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) bought back the lease for an undisclosed sum from the Camping and Caravanning Club (see here), the Strathy has revealed in an excellent article that this arm of the Scottish Government has not even shortlisted the Aviemore and Glenmore Community Trust (the AGCT) to operate the…

May 17, 2022 Nick Kempe 9 comments

On Thursday, the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Minister, the Green MSP Lorna Slater, who also has responsibility for National Parks, launched a consultation (see here for news release) on creating a third National Park in Scotland.  It is to credit of the Greens that they have forced the Scottish Government to reverse their longstanding opposition to…