Tag: landscape

June 15, 2023 Geoff Riddington 6 comments

The Draft Partnership Plan from the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) has now been published (see here) and I have become convinced it should not be accepted without very significant changes. As it stands it fails completely to lay out how the Park should proceed in order to achieve its third objective:…

January 26, 2023 Nick Kempe 7 comments

This post provides an update to what I wrote in October on Forest and Land Scotland’s purchase of the Glen Prosen estate (see here).  So far, Forest and Land Scotland has issued not a single news release  https://forestryandland.gov.scot/news-releases about their purchase or their plans. Nor does it appear to have published any other information which…

December 30, 2022 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Generally, Scotland should not be investing in new roads.  The world does not appear to have sufficient reserves of minerals to replace fossil fuel powered vehicles with electric ones and we need therefore to replace private car use with public transport.  That means fewer vehicles on the roads and little need to expand the vehicle…

October 4, 2022 Geoff Riddington No comments exist

 https://petitions.parliament.scot/petitions/PE1967 In February (see here) I looked at decision making by Transport Scotland on the A82 Tarbet to Inverarnan and the inaction of the National Park Authority. Their view has been that Transport Scotland is the statutory lead for major road development and that as a statutory consultee their main role is to comment once…

September 18, 2022 Nick Kempe 3 comments

[Post updated 22nd September].After the planning application to build a telecommunications mast on Carn an Fhreiceadain in the Monadhliath Wild Land Area was withdrawn for the second time, following a significant number of objections, I commented (see here) that it was impossible to know if Savills or the Pitmain Estate would come back again.  Six…

July 16, 2022 Nick Kempe No comments exist

A couple of days after going to look at the botched Beauly Denny construction road restoration (see here) while walking north of Carrbridge, I came across a more recent example of SSE’s work to upgrade Scotland’s network of powerlines.  Another landscape horror. In 2018, while visiting the Auchtertipper native woodland creation scheme on the Reforesting…