Tag: restoration

August 18, 2021 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Following my two posts on BrewDog’s proposals to create a Lost Forest (see here) and (here) at Kinrara,  plans for peat bog restoration on the estate  appeared on Highland Council’s planning portal (see here).  In April the Scottish Government issued new planning guidance on Permitted Development Rights (see here) which required peat bog restoration schemes…

July 19, 2021 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Following my post on the failed restoration of the Beauly Denny powerline access tracks (see here), someone asked on twitter “how would you have done this differently”?   The answer lies just over the hill on the southern face of Carn Dearg Mor above Glen Feshie.  There, Wild Land Ltd is in the process of removing…

November 10, 2020 Nick Kempe 10 comments

On 3rd November Highlands and Islands Enterprise announced that work to repair the funicular had started (see here).  A large number of planning documents were published on the Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning portal the week before (see here).  Among these is a timetable for the works: It would appear work has commenced two months late. …

October 17, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Last year Parkswatch posted a number of articles opposing the planning application to smooth and re-grade ground by the Day Lodge at Cairn Gorm to create a new beginner’s ski area (see here– includes links to all posts). Ten months after the Cairngorms National Park Authority approved the planning application from Jim Cornfoot, a member…

May 22, 2020 Nick Kempe 8 comments

  Letter Strathy 14th May from Parkswatch contributor Graham Garfoot.  HIE has refused to release the engineering reports on which the proposals to repair the funicular are based.   Highland and Island Enterprise’s Planning Application to repair the funicular is to be considered Friday morning (see here) and Cairngorms National Park Planning Officers have recommended…

January 6, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

In December the LINK hill tracks group revealed that the owner of the Glen Clova estate, Mr Hugh Niven, has appealed to the Scottish Government against the enforcement notice which the Cairngorms National Park Authority issued against the new hill road by the Clova hotel (see here) and (here): “It is deeply frustrating that a…

December 17, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

I was pleased to get this letter on Scottish Power’s plans to cover land around their windfarms with solar panels into the Herald the weekend before last .  While our two National Parks may have no windfarms within their boundaries, the broader issue, the impact of renewable energy developments on the carbon held in soils,…

December 12, 2019 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The Planning Application to “smooth and regrade land”  to create a new beginner’s ski area at Cairn Gorm will be considered by the Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning Committee tomorrow.  Officers have recommended the application should be approved.   While the revised application does go some way to address issues that have been raised on…

December 11, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

While who gets elected in the General Election may in large part be decided by attitudes to Scottish Independence and Brexit, the wider issues facing the world are the ongoing crisis in the capitalism, the climate emergency and the collapse of the natural environment.  Our National Parks are microcosms of that wider world and reflect…