Tag: grouse moors

March 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 5 comments

This being the muirburn season – I spotted four examples in the Cairngorms National Park on my way up to Aviemore 12 days ago – it was very interesting to see how the Scottish media picked up on the fire damage caused by a dropped cigarette rather than all the fires deliberately started by landowners. …

January 24, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

On Friday the Cairngorms National Park Planning Committee, which all Board Members sit on, will consider the Balavil Estate’s Planning Application to build 5km of new road into the Monadhliath Wild Land Area (see here for all papers).  The December CNPA Planning Committee rightly agreed to defer the application because it had not been advertised properly…

December 27, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Royal Family has, ever since Queen Victoria came to Deeside, played a central role in legitimising hunting culture, practice and consequent land-use across upland Scotland.   As long as the way they manage their land at Balmoral and Delnadamph (see here) remains unchallenged, other landowners across Scotland will mimic what they do.  That entails maintaining…

December 20, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Last Friday, the Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning Committee agreed to their officers’ recommendation that the deadline for comments on the proposed 5km road over the Monadhliath and through a Wild Land Area should be extended until 10th January.  That is very welcome.  It rectifies CNPA’s failure to consult properly (see here)  and gives people time…

November 22, 2018 Nick Kempe 7 comments

In the talk I am giving tonight in Kingussie, I will be looking at the recommendations set out in the Report of the Cairngorms Working Party, Common Sense and Sustainability.  This was published in December 1992 and played a key role in the creation of the National Park 10 years later.  While some of its…

September 13, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The consultation on the draft Cairngorms Nature Action Plan closes tomorrow on Friday 14th September.  A month ago (see here) I considered the context for the plan and the proposed priorities for landscape scale conservation:   farmland, freshwater restoration, woodland expansion and peatland .   This post will look at the other two professed aims of the…

July 27, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The French Pyrenean National Park and the Ordesa and Mont Perdido National Park are much smaller than our two National Parks in Scotland but surrounded by large buffer zones where the National Park influences what activities take place and how land is managed.   In the National Parks themselves there is no permanent human habitation and…

June 28, 2018 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Savill’s, acting on behalf of the Pitmain Estate, submitted in early June a retrospective Planning Application to Highland Council for the new unlawful track in Glen Banchor which I had featured last November and which I had reported to the Cairngorms National Park Authority.   They had been forced to do this because the CNPA had,…

March 16, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Cairngorms National Park Authority meeting today has a fairly limited agenda (see here): an informative report from their Chief Executive on what has been going on; a four year corporate plan, a one year operational plan together, somewhat strangely, with a (welcome) paper on not paying Board Members who fail to attend meetings; a communications…

February 2, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Further evidence of the political power of landowners in our National Parks was revealed yesterday when Kate Forbes, the SNH MSP  for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch, held a reception for the Gift of Grouse http://www.giftofgrouse.com/ at the Scottish Parliament.    This was preceded by an excellent post from Raptor Persecution Scotland (see here) lambasting the claims…

November 21, 2017 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Earlier this year, the owner of the Pitmain estate,  who appears to be Abdul Majid Jafar, bought the Glen Banchor and Strone Estate behind Newtonmore.   I say “appears” because the information on Pitmain Estate Ltd at Companies House fails to declare who has significant control over the company. While  Abdul Majid Jafar resigned as a Director…

November 14, 2017 Nick Kempe 2 comments

A few weeks ago I learned that someone had nominated me for the TGO Readers’ Award under the category Campaign or Campaigner of the year.    I am really grateful that someone appreciated parkswatchscotland sufficiently to nominate me for this.   I also think its great that TGO values campaigning and through the awards and its…

June 14, 2017 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The agenda for the Cairngorms National Park Authority meeting last Friday (see here) was brief: Chief Exec’s Report, Corporate Performance, Risk and Mountain Hares.   While I was not at the meeting and cannot report what was decided, there were some positive signs in the  papers.   Mountain Hares The paper on Mountain Hares appears…

June 6, 2017 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Last week the Scottish Government, in response to SNH’s research into the disappearance of satellite tagged eagles (see here) which showed almost a third of golden eagles being tracked by satellite died in suspicious circumstances on grouse moors, announced some new measures to protect Scotland’s birds of prey (see here).   Many of the eagles…

January 11, 2017 Nick Kempe 1 comment

I was too caught in commenting in the Loch Lomond National Park Authority Board Meeting in December (see here) to attend on the Cairngorms National Park Board meeting which took place the Friday before.   Unfortunately, the way our National Parks operate – which is in the last century – its impossible to find out what…

January 6, 2017 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The new River Spey catchment management plan was published in  November (see here)  and announced by the Cairngorms National Park Authority in December.  The first plan was in 2003 (see here), the year the CNPA was created, and a review of progress conducted in 2015 was published earlier in 2016 (see here).  Its yet another…

November 13, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

  Following my post on “How to protect wildlife in our national parks”  I have been thinking about how the Cairngorms National Park could achieve its stated objected of landscape scale conservation on the Dinnet Estate where I walked in September.   I have since used it to illustrate the connection between grouse moors and rural…