Tag: forestry

November 11, 2023 Nick Kempe 9 comments

I had said I would follow my post looking at the impact of BrewDog’s tree planting at Kinrara (see here) with one that looked at the impact of the new deer fences.  However, having looked at further further information about BrewDog’s carbon emissions at Kinrara, it seems more important to cover that first. The carbon…

November 5, 2023 Nick Kempe 5 comments

At the start of October, almost a year after they bought the Glen Prosen Estate for £17,555,000,  , Forest and Land Scotland (FLS) launched an initial consultation of what to do with the land and buildings under the banner of developing an Angus Glens Land Management Plan (see here). When I last wrote about Glen…

October 17, 2023 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Living as we do on the western edge of Europe, in its windiest country notorious and one that is notorious for its wet weather, I had tended to assume that Scotland bears the brunt of the storms that cross the Atlantic.  After the Met Office had issued warnings for Storm Alex at the end of…

October 9, 2023 Nick Kempe 15 comments

“Forest” = “a large area covered with trees and plants/undergrowth” Following my posts about BrewDog’s “Lost Forest” at Kinrara in February (see here) and (here), I was sent further photos showing work that had taken place in October and November last year to restore peatland and prepare the ground for tree planting.  It looked terrible…

June 18, 2023 Nick Kempe 2 comments

At the beginning of April a planning application (see here) was submitted in the name of Abrdn Property Holdings Ltd to build a “bothy” on Far Ralia, the property bought be the Standard Life Investment and Property Trust before it merged with Aberdeen Asset Management.  Abrdn Property Holdings Ltd was registered as a company in…

May 30, 2023 Nick Kempe 3 comments

On 9th May Highland Council issued a decision on the proposals submitted on behalf of ABDN to upgrade the track to Far Ralia and construct an alternative to the Wade Bridge (see here). The way the proposals have been dealt with and the decision itself raise serious questions about how the planning system in the…

March 3, 2023 Nick Kempe 14 comments

On Wednesday NatureScot, formerly known as Scottish Natural Heritage, issued a news release (see here) about how they had entered a partnership with the Hampden & Co, Lombard Odier Investment Managers and  Palladium (the company that in in a partnership with National Parks across the UK called “Revere).  They described this as: “a ‘national first’…

January 5, 2023 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Following on from my post on peat bog restoration in Glen Banchor (see here), in 2020/21 three new woodland enclosures were erected along the River Calder as part of a conservation project. It involved a fair amount of machinery, raw materials (including bags of cement just out of the photo) and materials for fencing. How…

December 27, 2022 Dave Morris 10 comments

Writing in the magazine British Wildlife in August 2018 David Hetherington, ecologist with the Cairngorms National Park Authority, explained the importance of natural regeneration in expanding the existing remnants of the Old Caledonian pine forests in the Cairngorms. Natural regeneration is the key defining character of these forests, demonstrating that they are descended directly from…

December 2, 2022 Nick Kempe 14 comments

Having highlighted the issue of forest fences being covered in plastic to prevent bird collisions a year ago (see here), it is very good to see that the Cairngorms Capercaillie Project has been doing more work with the Seafield estate to remove the orange netting.  Unfortunately, rather than removing the fences completely, they have been…