December 18, 2019 Gordon Bulloch 4 comments

This post takes a look behind Highland and Island Enterprise’s disastrous management of the Cairngorm mountain business, which includes: the failed strategy of removing other uplift capacity in an attempt to make the funicular pay; the gross errors in awarding the last operating contract to Natural Retreats (see here) and (here); the failure to manage…

December 17, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

I was pleased to get this letter on Scottish Power’s plans to cover land around their windfarms with solar panels into the Herald the weekend before last .  While our two National Parks may have no windfarms within their boundaries, the broader issue, the impact of renewable energy developments on the carbon held in soils,…

December 11, 2019 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

This post reveals two further examples of how CairnGorm Mountain is being mismanaged.  These confirm that there is something rotten at both Highlands & Islands Enterprises (HIE) and Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL).   Both these organisations are in desperate need of a clean-out if what was once Scotland’s premier ski resort is to return…

December 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Last week Revive, the coalition for grouse moor reform,  issued a new report Untold Suffering about how thousands of animals are killed and trapped on Scotland’s grouse moors.  Its one of the scandals of our time that this slaughter takes place even in our National Parks which were set up to protect nature (see here). …

December 5, 2019 Nick Kempe 6 comments

Two days ago the Cairngorms National Park Authority’s publication of research on projected future snow lie attracted a fair amount of publicity,  with headlines misleadingly suggesting that snow could be gone from the Cairngorms by 2080 (see here for example). That research is due to be considered by the CNPA Board on Friday.  It forms…

November 26, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

This short video  was sent to me with the message “take you mind off politics for a moment”!  It shows all the wildlife which used a log to cross a stream in Pennsylvania during the course of a year.   Most enjoyable – do watch – but I couldn’t escape the political implications.  There could hardly…

October 2, 2019 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

At the beginning of August Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd, Highland and Islands Enterprise’s subsidiary which operates their business at Cairn Gorm, submitted a Planning Application to create a new beginner’s ski area (see here for planning documents).  Parkswatch has covered this several times already (see here), (here) and (here) but the more you look at…

September 16, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The Cairngorms National Park Authority’s consultation on its new Economic Action Plan, 2019-22, will close on Friday (see here).    While there are some good things in the plan, this post argues its exhortation for people to work together won’t work under our current system and it fails to address the one economic matter over which the…

September 15, 2019 Dave Morris

In theory the Cairngorms Connect project appears to be a good thing. Four organisations are working together across 600 square kilometres of the western Cairngorms to deliver the rewilding of marsh, river, forest and mountain habitats. These organisations, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Scottish Natural Heritage, Forest and Land Scotland and Wildland…

September 8, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

[ [ [NB this post has been updated since first issued to correct I mistake.  I had stated  a planning application to build a car park in the site above had been refused in April.  I have removed that and related comments and inserted correct sequence of events] Rob Edwards from the Ferret has continued…

August 30, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

[This post has been updated since publication to correct two erroneous claims, that not all of Balmoral is included in the East Cairngorms Moorland Partnership and that Delnadamph, owned by Prince Charles, was not a member of the partnership.   See below]. The news that mountain hare numbers have collapsed in Scotland (see here for excellent…

August 27, 2019 Nick Kempe 8 comments

If the declaration of a climate emergency by the Scottish Government is to mean anything, we all need to think and act differently.    Continuing to look at and treat the natural environment in the same old way, as a commodity to be used and exploited, just won’t do.  We need to become far cleverer about…

August 21, 2019 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

This post takes a further look at the issues (see here) associated with the latest Planning Application (2019/0247/DET) by Highlands and Islands Enterprises/ Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd at Cairn Gorm. The application is to create a beginners ski area over an area of 0.93 ha or 9,300 sq.m. in the lower right-hand half of the picture…

August 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

As the downpours continue, the Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Roseanna Cunningham, should be asking herself why so much of the recent flood damage has been within our National Parks?    Examples include disruption and damage to the rail network near Carrbridge in the Cairngorms (see here), at Ardlui and north of Crianlarich in the…

August 5, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Following Alan Brattey’s post The Cairn Gorm Funicular:  Repair or Remove?, on Thursday Highlands and Islands Enterprise revealed at a meeting organised by the Aviemore and Glenmore Community Trust (see above) that they intend to repair the funicular as: “We have an indicative cost of repairs, which is less than the costs of removing the…

July 10, 2019 Alan Brattey 5 comments

The Snowfactory at the top of the Coire Cas Carpark is 8m tall and stands sentinel to HIE’s bureaucratic mismanagement at Cairn Gorm. A snowfactory trial was undertaken at CairnGorm during the winter of 2017/18. That was a direct response to the Aviemore Business Association exhorting the Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for HIE, Fergus Ewing…