Tag: wild land

June 11, 2024 David Jarman 7 comments

No corrie will be safe, no classic Munro round will remain sacrosanct, if they approve “Earba”.  This is the developers’ secretive codename for a mega-pumped storage hydro scheme (PSH) which is with the equally secretive Energy Consents Unit to fast-track under some barely-accountable Energy Minister’s pen in amongst a sheaf of routine death warrants for…

May 30, 2024 David Craig 5 comments

Answering MPs, who asked whether Total Not Spot (TNS) masts in uninhabited Wild Land are value for money, the CEO of Building Digital UK recently told the UK Public Account Committee: “…once you know where those sites are, each of the clusters as they go through planning will have to have a business plan …to…

January 24, 2024 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Gaming the holes in Scotland’s planning system Yesterday I was notified by Highland Council that the planning application (Ref 23/04957/FUL) for a telecommunications mast and 2.4km of track in the Wild Land Area at the eastern end of Loch Mullardoch had been withdrawn.  A small bit of good news. Highland Council has already withdrawn all…

December 13, 2023 Nick Kempe 5 comments

On Monday objectors to the proposal to build a  telecommunications mast in the heart of Torridon (see here) were informed the application has been withdrawn. A small but significant victory which shows that the roll-out UK Government’s Shared Rural Network programme is far from a foregone conclusion. There had been 92 comments from the public…

November 6, 2023 George Allan 12 comments

  Planning applications are coming in thick and fast for 25 metre communications masts in remote hill country in Scotland as part of the UK Government’s Digital Connectivity Programme – the Shared Rural Network. Some appear to have almost no public benefit and are proposed for Scotland’s finest landscapes. Anyone for near to the Falls…

October 5, 2023 Nick Kempe 5 comments

The Luibeg mast planning application Yesterday the planning application for the proposed telecommunications mast above the Luibeg bridge on the Mar Lodge estate (see here) was temporarily withdrawn by the developer “in light of recent consultation responses received“.  The application was rapidly developing into a test case for plans to erect similar masts (with access tracks…

October 29, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

What the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) have discovered at Mar Lodge While away in Lochaber last week I read a very interesting article in the latest Reforesting Scotland journal (Issue 64) on ‘Regenerating aspen: “spontaneous appearance” at Mar Lodge Estate’.  The author, the ecologist Andrew Painting, recounts how in 2018, while undertaking fieldwork in…

October 25, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Development for “sporting” purposes on the Pitmain and Glenbanchor estates in the Cairngorms National Park, albeit interspersed with some tokenistic conservation projects funded by our public authorities (see here), is relentless. On 8th October Highland Council validated a planning application (see here), submitted by Savills, to erect a 6m high lattice radio mast and equipment…

December 11, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

While who gets elected in the General Election may in large part be decided by attitudes to Scottish Independence and Brexit, the wider issues facing the world are the ongoing crisis in the capitalism, the climate emergency and the collapse of the natural environment.  Our National Parks are microcosms of that wider world and reflect…

December 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Last week Revive, the coalition for grouse moor reform,  issued a new report Untold Suffering about how thousands of animals are killed and trapped on Scotland’s grouse moors.  Its one of the scandals of our time that this slaughter takes place even in our National Parks which were set up to protect nature (see here). …

September 15, 2019 Dave Morris

In theory the Cairngorms Connect project appears to be a good thing. Four organisations are working together across 600 square kilometres of the western Cairngorms to deliver the rewilding of marsh, river, forest and mountain habitats. These organisations, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Scottish Natural Heritage, Forest and Land Scotland and Wildland…