July 1, 2023 Nick Kempe 10 comments

The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) draft National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP), currently out for consultation (see here) says hardly anything about litter prevention or management and contains just one commitment that mentions litter: “Jointly plan visitor management with partners to ensure a co-ordinated approach to staff presence on the ground, litter…

June 15, 2023 Geoff Riddington 6 comments

The Draft Partnership Plan from the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) has now been published (see here) and I have become convinced it should not be accepted without very significant changes. As it stands it fails completely to lay out how the Park should proceed in order to achieve its third objective:…

May 2, 2023 Nick Kempe 6 comments

Following my post on 3rd April about the financial crisis at the Cononish goldmine and its possible environmental consequences (see here) there have been a number of developments.   Scotgold’s finances In their interim results (see here) for the half year till December 2022, published on 30th March, the Directors of SGZ Cononish, Scotgold’s subsidiary…

April 6, 2023 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Since my last post  (see here), another 10,000 or so objections have been lodged through the Scottish Greens against Flamingo Land’s proposed development at Balloch,  more than the original application in 2018 and the most in Scottish history.  Flamingo Land’s response has been to issue a news release, which was quoted in various papers from…

March 1, 2023 Nick Kempe 11 comments

On 13th February a further 42 documents were added to the planning application which Flamingo Land first submitted in May last year (see here).  A cover letter from Stantec (see here) explains the main changes to the application, including which documents have been superseded, and responds to the 16 points raised by Loch Lomond and…

February 17, 2023 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Scottish Government is currently advertising for six new board members for the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) (see here) and a new chair for Scottish Natural Heritage/Nature Scot (see here).   Further changes in the composition of the CNPA Board are pending with Local Member elections due next month and with the Convener, Xander…