Tag: HIE

April 16, 2020 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

Highlands and Islands Enterprises (HIE) are at it again as evidenced by the latest planning application, to repair the funicular (see here for papers). It has been noted many times in the past that HIE have a habit of pre-empting decisions being made about operations at the Cairngorm Mountain ski resort, currently being operated under…

April 14, 2020 Alan Brattey 1 comment

The Planning Application “Engineering Work for Strengthening Funicular Viaduct” was lodged with Highland Council on 13 March 2020 and called-in by the Cairngorm National Park Authority, on 23 March 2020, for determination by them (see here for planning documents).  This post takes a critical look at some aspects of what is being proposed. The Planning…

April 12, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

While access to the countryside has been shut down, thousands of people have lost their jobs and some now are starving in their homes (see here),   while health workers, social care workers and bus drivers have been losing their lives because of a lack of Personal Protective Equipment, planning in the Cairngorms National Park…

February 28, 2020 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

Sometime between August 2019 and February 2020, the webpage (see here) isn’t dated, the Highlands and Islands Enterprises (HIE) website was updated with the following information on Cairn Gorm under “regional projects”:- No one can disagree with the first two paragraphs (Ed. see above!] although in para.2 the wording should have been “the WINTER economy”,…

February 7, 2020 Graham Garfoot 4 comments

Two very interesting articles on Parkswatch by Alistair Bell (see here) and Drennan Watson (see here) go some way towards explaining some of what has gone on and is going on at Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL). Alistair Bell says skiers are partly to blame because nobody really questioned what was happening until the Save…

February 3, 2020 Drennan Watson 12 comments

Ray Sefton asserts, in a comment on my post on the reason for the disaster at Cairn Gorm (see here), that opposition by environmental groups caused highly damaging conditions to be inserted in the Visitor Management Plan for Cairn Gorm post the construction of the funicular railway. In particular, he asserts the imposition of a…

January 23, 2020 Graham Garfoot 8 comments

In 2018 and again in 2019 the SE Group were commissioned by Highlands and Islands Enterprises (HIE) to report on a sustainable, economically viable business plan (see here) for the redevelopment of the Cairngorm ski resort with its knock on economic benefits to the local communities. Since then a new report into reducing snow cover…

January 17, 2020 Drennan Watson 9 comments

Alistair Bell’s open letter published on 2nd January (see here) was fascinating as an insider’s tale of what has happened to downhill skiing on Cairn Gorm. But I disagree with his final conclusion. Basically, he tackles the old issue “Cock-up or Conspiracy” and decides it was a conspiracy along the lines of the Gas Lighting…

December 18, 2019 Gordon Bulloch 4 comments

This post takes a look behind Highland and Island Enterprise’s disastrous management of the Cairngorm mountain business, which includes: the failed strategy of removing other uplift capacity in an attempt to make the funicular pay; the gross errors in awarding the last operating contract to Natural Retreats (see here) and (here); the failure to manage…

December 5, 2019 Nick Kempe 6 comments

Two days ago the Cairngorms National Park Authority’s publication of research on projected future snow lie attracted a fair amount of publicity,  with headlines misleadingly suggesting that snow could be gone from the Cairngorms by 2080 (see here for example). That research is due to be considered by the CNPA Board on Friday.  It forms…

November 25, 2019 George Allan 4 comments

The Cairn Gorm ski area: Voluntary Organisations call for an open debate about the future A group of voluntary organisations (The Cairngorms Campaign, Campaign for a Better Cairngorm, North East Mountain Trust, Ramblers Scotland and the Scottish Wild Land Group.) has produced a ‘vision’ for the future of the mountain (below). Key elements include the…

November 5, 2019 Nick Kempe 8 comments

After Highlands and Islands Enterprise announced that the cost of repairing the funicular would be cheaper than the cost they claimed would be needed to remove it,  I asked them  for the basis of this claim.  Then, when the response revealed very little, I requested a formal review of their decision to refuse the information…

October 28, 2019 Graham Garfoot 4 comments

Background On the 27 January 2019 I applied to Highlands and Islands Enterprise for the two “ADAC Structures” Inspection reports which resulted in the Funicular Railway being closed. The redacted reports were finally released on Friday 11th October after a request to the Scottish Information Commissioner. This post will look at the Funicular Railway Inspection…