Tag: HIE

December 28, 2020 Graham Garfoot 5 comments

In the last three weeks two very significant pieces of information about the funicular railway have been made public and both raise serious questions about the proposed repairs. The original plans for the construction of the funicular Highland and Island Enterprise (HIE)’s £16m business case for repairing the funicular (see here) did not explain why…

December 23, 2020 Nick Kempe 1 comment

“Health and Safety and customer service is what drives us at Cairn Gorm” so claimed Susan Smith, Interim Chief Executive at Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL) in a video on 9th December (see here), a  message repeated earlier in that same video by Colin Matthews their Operations Manager. If that is the case why,  after…

November 18, 2020 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Highland and Islands Enterprise/Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd are now pushing ahead with repair work to the Funicular and the smoothing ground-work outside the Daylodge has been completed (see here). There are also plans to install two new tube slides, create a new access track, move the snow factory and install car park barriers. Meanwhile, nothing…

October 17, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Last year Parkswatch posted a number of articles opposing the planning application to smooth and re-grade ground by the Day Lodge at Cairn Gorm to create a new beginner’s ski area (see here– includes links to all posts). Ten months after the Cairngorms National Park Authority approved the planning application from Jim Cornfoot, a member…

October 14, 2020 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

Photo courtesy of the Save the Ciste campaign showing the Funicular Viaduct from the washing line tow. Is this what the mountain will look like when work commences? The development of the Business Case to repair of the funicular (see here) was shrouded in secrecy.  This post takes a look at what Highland and Islands…

October 12, 2020 Nick Kempe 8 comments

There is, of course, a case for repairing the funicular railway.  Our consumer society fails to repair far too many things before abandoning them.  A terrible waste.   And the funicular has attracted some visitors, even if significantly fewer than predicted, who have enjoyed the experience and brought some benefit to the economy on Speyside.  In…

October 8, 2020 Alan Brattey 9 comments

This post takes a further look at the Artworks/landscaping structures that are adjacent to the Coire Cas Carpark on Cairn Gorm. Following my blog post (see here) that showed the dilapidated condition of the walls, I was contacted by two members of the public, both of whom expressed concerns about the safety aspects of the…

October 6, 2020 Nick Kempe 6 comments

On Thursday the Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit and Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee – a mouthful of a name! – questioned Audit Scotland about their report  (see here) on “Highland and Islands Enterprise: management of Cairn Gorm Mountain and funicular railway” which they published in June.  The session, which lasted just over an hour, can be viewed…

September 25, 2020 George Allan 7 comments

In response to recent written Parliamentary questions, Fergus Ewing (Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy) has stated that: – A decision on the repair of the funicular is expected shortly. – The business case will be published shortly. This suggests that there will be no period between publication of the business case and a decision by…

September 2, 2020 Graham Garfoot 5 comments

The Folly A folly is defined as:- (1) the quality of being foolish. (2) a foolish action, idea, etc., and, (3) an imitation castle, temple etc. built as a decoration in a large garden or park (National Park?)! And that is exactly what the Cairngorm ski resort has become because of the failed aspirations of…

August 26, 2020 George Allan 4 comments

Further to yesterday’s critique of Cairngorm Mountain – Towards a Vision and a Masterplan (see here) this post takes a look at the  process Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is using to consult the public. The consultation document (see here) is part a series of high level statements and part a wish list of potential developments;…

August 11, 2020 Alan Mackay 8 comments

(This is the last of four posts see here, here, and here about how the £14-20 million proposed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise to repair the funicular could be better far better spent on snow sports within the geographical area for which they are responsible).  Proposal A new triple chairlift adjacent to the Wall T-bar…

August 10, 2020 Drennan Watson 11 comments

Morag and I went up Cairn Gorm Thursday 6th August  via Windy Ridge and down the Fiaccaill of Coire Cas, all  in glorious weather. We started out just after 10.30 but even so met numerous folk going up on Windy Ridge and, even by that time, others coming down. On the whole route we met,…

August 5, 2020 Alan Mackay 2 comments

(This is the third of four posts – see here and here – on alternatives to HIE proposals to repair the funicular that would have far greater benefits to snowsports in the Cairngorms and Scotland as a whole) Proposal A new medium speed quad chairlift with loading carpet which would replace the Harrier and Falcon…

August 3, 2020 Alan Brattey 3 comments

On 12th June 2020, the Cairngorm National Park Authority Panning Committee gave approval for the installation of solar powered entry/exit barriers to the Coire Cas car park on Cairn Gorm. Once these have been installed then parking charges for the Cas car park will become mandatory between June and October from 2021 onwards Parkswatch has…

August 1, 2020 Alan Mackay 1 comment

PROPOSAL (For the first in this series of four posts on wintersports alternatives to the funicular see here). A new high speed detachable express chairlift close to the alignment of the former White Lady T-bar and extending downslope to near the foot of the Sheiling Rope Tow, with installed snow making on upper Home Road…

July 28, 2020 Alan Mackay 6 comments

This is the first of four posts for Parkswatch Scotland (summarised on the Winter Highland forum) about alternative short term options to fixing the Cairn Gorm funicular. The first post will deal with some of the issues raised in my planning objection to its repair (see here for background).  It will be followed by three …