Tag: grouse moors

May 5, 2022 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Following the online protest organised by the Grampian Moorland Group against the National Park Partnership Plan (see here), Scotland’s “Regional Moorland Groups” have been putting a glossy leaflet through the door of every household in the Cairngorms National Park.  The Moorland Groups are shadowy organisations (see here) that do not declare their membership so it…

April 20, 2022 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Today the Grampian Moorland Group have been mounting an online protest (see here) against the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA)’s proposals to reduce the numbers of red deer in the National Park from around 11 to 5- 8 per square kilometre.  The protest is backed by the Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) (see here) and Scottish…

December 16, 2021 Nick Kempe 10 comments

The Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA)’s consultation on their draft National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP) officially closes on Friday, apparently at 5pm.  So far, I have only considered the draft plan from a climate and nature conservation perspective but will continue covering other aspects of the plan after the consultation closes.  Before that, however, I…

December 8, 2021 Nick Kempe 7 comments

In Scotland it is often easy to tell whether land is protected for nature, it looks, sounds and feels like nature is doing well.  Ben Dolphin explained this recently in a fine article for walkhighlands  (see here) about why Scotland’s Nature National Reserves are a good place to walk.  The challenge for both the Scottish…

November 25, 2021 Nick Kempe 2 comments

A recent visit to the Cromdale Hills prompted some thoughts about the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA)’s policy approach to hill tracks, the use of All Terrain Vehicles and their impact on the natural environment. What the CNPA National Park Partnership plan says about hill tracks The draft National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP), which is…

November 11, 2021 Nick Kempe 4 comments

There are lots of good aspirations in the draft Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP), which is out for public consultation until 17th December (see here), but at the heart of its plan for nature is an unambitious target for carbon emissions.  The effect of this will be to allow unsustainable management of land to…

October 25, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Development for “sporting” purposes on the Pitmain and Glenbanchor estates in the Cairngorms National Park, albeit interspersed with some tokenistic conservation projects funded by our public authorities (see here), is relentless. On 8th October Highland Council validated a planning application (see here), submitted by Savills, to erect a 6m high lattice radio mast and equipment…

August 15, 2021 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Out of Doors on Radio Scotland yesterday (see here) had a great piece on Network Rail’s attempt to close the “private” level crossing at Dalwhinnie (from 35.30), an attack on people’s ability to exercise their access rights.  This was first covered in the Badenoch and Strathspey Herald two weeks ago (see here) and now become…

August 9, 2021 Nick Kempe 9 comments

A ding-dong battle On Thursday an organisation called Rewilding Britain issued a news release (see see) highlighting the destructive impact of grouse moor management in national parks in the north of England and the Cairngorms and which urged: “ministers to show real leadership by creating wilder national parks and setting up core rewilding areas in…