April 12, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

While access to the countryside has been shut down, thousands of people have lost their jobs and some now are starving in their homes (see here),   while health workers, social care workers and bus drivers have been losing their lives because of a lack of Personal Protective Equipment, planning in the Cairngorms National Park…

April 9, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

This letter from David Fallows about the need for the Cairngorms National Park Authority to webcast Board Meetings speaks for itself.  It’s something I have been calling for for both our National Parks ever since the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority unlawfully held 13 Board Meetings in secret to decide their camping byelaws. …

April 3, 2020 Nick Kempe 7 comments

In the corona panic, the Scottish Government and our Public Authorities have completely lost all sense of reason.  It will have serious human and environmental consequences. What the Coronavirus Health Protection Restriction Scotland Regulations (see here), passed last week by the Scottish Government without any parliamentary scrutiny, actually say is that you cannot leave where…

April 2, 2020 Nick Kempe 11 comments

Last week, without anyone noticing, the Scottish Government followed the UK Government and used the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations to remove our right to protest. What the regulation means is that if health and social care staff or other workers walk out of their workplace to protest against the lack of personal protective…

March 27, 2020 Nick Kempe 12 comments

I was pleased to have this letter published in the Herald today.  Its got nothing to do with National Parks but everything to do with what’s happening in them,  as this post will explain.  Until our governments set up contact tracing and testing like South Korea and China have done, there will be no end…

March 24, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

The corona crisis has swept all before it.  What seemed rational just a few days ago is now deemed unacceptable, whether that was the advice issued our by our recreational organisations (see here), the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority holding a truncated Board Meeting last Monday (see here) or the measures put in…

March 11, 2020 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Following yesterday’s post Spreading misinformation about Glen Feshie and access in the Cairngorms National Park I have been sent two photos.  The first (above), was sent from Roy Turnbull of the Badenoch and Strathspey Conservation Group to illustrate his comment on my post: “Not only is there now (of course) no restriction of access in…

February 28, 2020 Dave Morris 26 comments

Anyone trying to understand Scotland’s deer problem need only travel between Perth and Braemar and see the herds of deer desperately seeking food and shelter in the snowy wilds. This photo is taken close to the location where Brian Shackleton filmed masses of deer on the move a few years ago (see here). There are…

February 14, 2020 Nick Kempe No comments exist

My apologies for accidentally omitting the final three paras from Dave Morris’ post on Balmoral and the recommendations of the Deer Working Group.They have been added to the post and posted for convenience below. In the section of the Deer Working Report that addresses the impact of deer on the Natural Heritage there is an…

February 7, 2020 Graham Garfoot 4 comments

Two very interesting articles on Parkswatch by Alistair Bell (see here) and Drennan Watson (see here) go some way towards explaining some of what has gone on and is going on at Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL). Alistair Bell says skiers are partly to blame because nobody really questioned what was happening until the Save…

January 28, 2020 anon 9 comments

A winter’s day In a deep and dark December Is what it was for most of December.  Dreich was the word to describe it. What better kind of day for a trip down memory lane? I first climbed on Creagh Meagaidh in the early 1970’s.  The place gripped me from the start.  The location was,…

January 14, 2020 Nick Kempe 8 comments

After the criticisms in my last post of the lack of transparency in the planning system, its nice to report that in other areas the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority is showing signs of improvement.   The LLTNPA’s recent publication of Deer Management Plans for the area is particularly welcome.  The impact of deer…

January 12, 2020 Nick Kempe 5 comments

I was sent this photo from David Lintern, the fine outdoor writer and photographer (see here),  last night and it prompted further thoughts about the Climate Emergency and the connections between what happening on opposite sides of the world in Scotland and Australia (see here for most recent post on lessons from the Australian crisis)….

January 6, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

In December the LINK hill tracks group revealed that the owner of the Glen Clova estate, Mr Hugh Niven, has appealed to the Scottish Government against the enforcement notice which the Cairngorms National Park Authority issued against the new hill road by the Clova hotel (see here) and (here): “It is deeply frustrating that a…