Tag: Cairn Gorm

November 19, 2022 Nick Kempe 4 comments

On the 11th November the Strathy published an interview with Susan Smith, Chief Executive of Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL) (see here) Highland and Island Enterprise’s subsidiary that manages Cairn Gorm.  This week they published an excellent response from Alan Brattey, sometime contributor to parkswatch (see above).  This post picks up on some of the…

November 1, 2022 Graham Garfoot 4 comments

It is more than apparent that HIE will never allow the dysfunctional monstrosity of a funicular, so abhorred by snow sports enthusiasts and environmentalists, to be dismantled, especially after the huge repair bill funded by the Scottish Government, unless something goes so catastrophically wrong that they have no choice. But there is another option, just…

October 26, 2022 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

What a fantastic day! Snow, lots of it and in perfect condition, weather fantastic, but the customer service left a lot to be desired, including a train that didn’t start running until after 09.30! In January 2020 I wrote a post outlining a plan for snowsports at Cairn Gorm (see here). Since then some things…

October 21, 2022 Nick Kempe 3 comments

A couple of weeks ago the latest accounts for Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd (CMSL), Highland and Island Enterprise’s wholly owned subsidiary, were published (see here). They are a charade but confirm it is not just the financial liabilities created by the funicular which are the problem. While CMSL describes its principal activity as “the operation…

October 15, 2022 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

Well, that might describe staff at Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) but certainly not at Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL). So what is the problem at Cairn Gorm? Despite having more money thrown at it than any other ski business in the U.K., e.g. (1) 100% funding for any equipment that they need whereas the…

September 29, 2022 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

This post contains the third part of the report that was presented to Ivan McKee, the Minister responsible for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) at the beginning of July (see here for background to the meeting and a note of the discussion).   Draft Report in response to the financial crisis facing Cairngorm Part III…

September 28, 2022 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

This post contains the second part of the report (see here for first) that was presented to Ivan McKee, the Minister responsible for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) at the beginning of July.   Draft Report in response to the financial crisis facing Cairngorm Part II  The bigger picture 4) What is needed at Cairn…

September 27, 2022 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

Introduction Following my post about the meeting between a concerned group of experts and Ivan McKee, the Scottish Government minister responsible for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) (see here), parkswatch is publishing the report we discussed with him at the start of July over three posts. We presented the report as a draft and stated…

September 20, 2022 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

Most of my working life has been as a mechanic in various fields from commercial to private vehicles, so I have a practical and varied knowledge of mechanical engineering. In writing posts for parkswatch, I would hope it is obvious that I haven’t done all the work myself. I have been advised and assisted by…

July 4, 2022 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Just two months after Forestry England (FE) and Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) bought back the Camping in The Forest (CiCF) business from the Camping and Caravanning Club (see here), all 16 campsites are all being outsourced again.  FLS is currently advertising 15 year leases, through a company called CDLH, for Cobleland in the Trossachs,…

June 28, 2022 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Following my post in March about Highland and Island Enterprise (HIE)’s proposal to build mountain bike tracks at Cairngorm (see here), parkswatch has not considered the matter further.  Meantime the  Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) considered and approved the application (see here) at the end of May. I did not watch the planning committee meeting and…

May 13, 2022 Alan Brattey 6 comments

Following the end of the 2021/22 Snowsports season, Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL), the company owned and controlled by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, has reimposed mandatory parking charges for the Coire Cas car park. The only difference from before being that the charge has been increased by no less than 50%. Customers’ reaction can be…

May 12, 2022 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

Last September I described how Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) released the Health and Safety file from the funicular construction nine months after I had requested it and how information within it undermined the official explanation to why the repairs to the funicular had been delayed (see here).  With the recent revelations about how HIE…

May 10, 2022 Nick Kempe 16 comments

It turns out that the financial disaster at Cairngorm is going to be even worse than Parkswatch predicted (see here).  Not only are the funicular repair costs increasing but, as Martin Williams revealed in the Herald on Sunday 9 days ago (see here), there is no money to pay for this, let alone the annual…

April 29, 2022 Alan Brattey 1 comment

Parkswatch readers will know that the Allt Coire na Ciste bridge was taken out of service in March 2021. CairnGorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL) cited winter storm damage as being the reason for its dilapidated and unsafe condition. There’s no doubt that there was storm damage caused during the preceding winter but the bridge had…

January 12, 2022 Nick Kempe 6 comments

I have not so far blogged on the long-awaited (see here) masterplan for Cairn Gorm which Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) published last June (see here).  Subtitled “Unlocking the potential of the Cairngorm Mountain Estate”, the masterplan is a vague and poorly drafted document:  the operator, Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL) is to explore “options…

January 8, 2022 Nick Kempe 7 comments

On 28th December Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL) issued this sledging policy on their website and a similar statement on their facebook page. It epitomises everything that is wrong with the current management Cairn Gorm and is unlawful. The statement appeared to have prompted by the bedlam at the patch of snow that has been…

October 27, 2021 Alan Brattey 31 comments

The campervan park within the Coire na Ciste car park on Cairn Gorm  (see here) and (here) will close for the season this coming weekend.   Commercial failure or success? Data gathered from observations carried out each evening over two separate 1-week periods provides the evidence that the Ciste campervan park has been avoided by…