Why people need to report signs which contravene access rights

Under Section 14 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 landowners are prohibited from erecting any sign whose main purpose is to deter or prevent people from exercising access rights.   Glen Etive, like some parts of our National Parks, is littered with signs that contravene access rights.  In the last week I have reported to…

The Coulin run of river hydro schemes has destroyed a unique landscape………for whom?

Last week Community Land Scotland, who have the ear of the Scottish Government, was reported in the Herald as claiming “Rural communities are being “airbrushed” out of Scotland’s rugged landscapes by policymakers who care more about maintaining an artificial wilderness”   (see here). One of CLS’s central arguments is that protection of wild land is preventing…

Lessons from the Pyrenees (4) – hydro dams and tracks

While the central Pyrenees has many beautiful natural mountain lakes,  there has been significant hydro development for over 100 years and many lakes have been created or extended by dams.   We came across  hydro schemes on many days of our two week walk, even in remote places. In an interesting article (see here –…


Cairngorm   Parkswatch The Parkswatch website and blog welcomes contributions from people who wish to make constructive criticisms of Scotland’s National Parks or simply to provide information that might not otherwise be available. This website has been created to help hold the National Parks to account. It aims to: • increase awareness of where things…

Save our wild Munros and corries – the pumped storage hydro threats escalate

No corrie will be safe, no classic Munro round will remain sacrosanct, if they approve “Earba”.  This is the developers’ secretive codename for a mega-pumped storage hydro scheme (PSH) which is with the equally secretive Energy Consents Unit to fast-track under some barely-accountable Energy Minister’s pen in amongst a sheaf of routine death warrants for…

Promoting enjoyment of the geological heritage in Scotland’s National Parks

As usual, the latest edition of Earth Heritage (see here)  has some excellent articles about Scotland but I was particularly interested to read “Reflections from a Geoheritage Sabbatical in Scotland: The View from America”: “Scotland was a natural choice for a geoheritage sabbatical for several reasons: spectacular and diverse geology; the importance of Scottish scientists…

The Scottish Parliament, Cairngorm Mountain and the funicular railway

On Thursday the Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit and Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee – a mouthful of a name! – questioned Audit Scotland about their report  (see here) on “Highland and Islands Enterprise: management of Cairn Gorm Mountain and funicular railway” which they published in June.  The session, which lasted just over an hour, can be viewed…

Time for a re-think at Cairngorm

Looking back on my long involvement in conflicts on Cairn Gorm what always strikes me is that the main cause has not be tensions between landuses but simple incompetence – particularly by HIDB/HIE.  Now Highlands and Islands Enterprise is having to take over a bankrupt company running the facility for the second time and there…