June 10, 2018 Gordon Bulloch No comments exist

There have been numerous recent reports of failures to enforce long term planning obligations within the Cairngorms National Park – these are conditions of planning permissions which remain in place after the permitted work or development has been completed.  They often cover the re-instatement of temporary works after the work has been completed or the…

June 8, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Reviewing our National Parks Ten days ago, writing in the Sunday Telegraph (see here) or (see here for Guardian article), the Westminster Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, who currently has no powers to speak of in Scotland, announced a review of National Parks in England chaired by Julian Glover: “The goal of Julian’s review is not…

June 7, 2018 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Scotland’s own “Windrush” problem? Following my post on parkswatch and the GDPR (see here) this post takes a look at the civil liberties and governance issues which have been created by the Loch Lomond and Trossach’s National Park Authority’s collection and processing of data under the camping byelaws, itself the outcome of the byelaw enforcement…

June 6, 2018 Mary Jack No comments exist

The Tourist Season in Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park is now well under way as is the Camping Management Byelaw regime. There appear to have been fewer Camping Byelaw Exemption Applications this year than last but that has not stopped the tents! Interestingly some of applications appear to remain as “awaiting decision”, either…

June 1, 2018 Nick Kempe 2 comments

The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation and Parkswatch and the LLTNPA Anyone is who a member of an organisation or who subscribes to blogs is likely to have been bombarded recently with communications about the new General Data Protection Regulation which came into force last week. Parkswatchscotland is a blog, not an organisation, …

May 26, 2018 Nick Kempe 7 comments

The section of the Speyside Way between Kincraig and Speybank is a beautiful walk through oak and birch woodland, with a scattering of aspen, hazel and rowan.   Though not far from the pinewoods of Glen Feshie, somehow the very occasional pine looks out of place.  The strip of woodland along the river is regenerating…

May 23, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Following my post before the first May holiday weekend If you come across an access problem this weekend report it! which featured a fence on Loch Gynack in the Cairngorms, the Cairngorms National Park Authority alerted me that they had a form to report such problems.  The link is at the bottom of this page…

May 22, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Mining and quarrying have formed two of the greatest challenges faced by National Parks in England Wales.  This is because the upland areas there are rich in minerals and provide rock good for housebuilding and because most of the National Parks are situated in close to large urban conurbations.    Our two National Parks in…

May 21, 2018 Nick Kempe 2 comments

On Sunday 13th I noticed a crashed or abandoned car just south of Inverarnan close to the location of another abandoned blue car which had featured in two of the earliest posts on parkswatch in 2016  (see here).   These explored how the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority’s approach to abandoned cars  fitted…

May 18, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Following the disappearance of a sea eagle on the Invercauld Estate, Raptor Persecution Scotland provided some excellent coverage of the disappearance  (see here) along with subsequent commentary.  So far this has covered the welcome statement from Grant Moir, Chief Executive of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, condemning the disappearance (see here) and then a commentary…

May 15, 2018 Gordon Bulloch 1 comment

Looks like many other SUDS schemes     ….but why would they not want photographs taken? Read on……………… This SUDS scheme looks like many others, but could it really become a national icon and the ‘go to’ place for water technology as claimed by the British organiser of an Icelandic delegation visiting to the Cairngorms National Park? …

May 11, 2018 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Yesterday nominations opened for elections to the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board, the only scheduled local elections for Scotland this year.  (The next Cairngorms National Park Authority direct elections will be in 2019).   One third of the board of each of our National Park Authorities is made up of members directly elected…

May 10, 2018 Duncan Bryden 2 comments

In response to Parkswatch blog on comparisons to the Vanoise, may I offer the following observations and note that while I believe we should broaden our horizons, it seems to me unwise to make assumptions on the reading and experiences of others. Monbiot is a gifted, intelligent, campaigning journalist but I would tend to agree…