October 23, 2021 Nick Kempe 4 comments

After my post on NatureScot and the Scottish Countryside Rangers Assocation’s statement on the role of countryside rangers in Scotland (see here), a couple of readers questioned whether access rights were being afforded any more respect on the ground as opposed to what is being said in the policy world.  They were right to do…

October 7, 2021 Nick Kempe 4 comments

In my posts  (see here) and (here) criticising the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board for abandoning their decision-making role and allowing senior staff to take control, I was aware of a recent exception to the rule.  At the Planning Committee on 30th August (see here for papers) Board Members rejected a recommendation…

September 29, 2021 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The number of people drowning in Loch Lomond has been a major issue for years, with our public authorities being far more concerned about the health and safety standards being applied to competitors in the European Swimming Championships, all by definition great swimmers, than the general public (see here).  But even after the terrible events…

September 25, 2021 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

Recently Highland and Islands Enterprise released the remains of the Health and Safety (H and S) File concerning the construction of the funicular railway required under the Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 1994. Having originally requested this file on 21/01/21 I received this email on 06/09/21 at 12.22p.m. from HIE:- I had been notified…

September 24, 2021 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Regular readers will know that parkswatch has, since its creation, been arguing that the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA)’s approach to visitor management is fundamentally flawed:  instead of providing appropriate infrastructure, they blame visitors for the things that go wrong as a consequence (litter, human  waste, cars blocking roads); instead of promoting…

September 20, 2021 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The National Park Partnership Plan is a five year plan which sets out the overarching framework for what happens in our National Parks, the contribution of the various public authorities involved and priorities for action. The current plan for the Cairngorms runs out in 2022 and the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) is in the…

September 19, 2021 Alan Brattey 7 comments

The Cairngorm National Park Planning Committee saw fit to grant Cairngorm Mountain [Scotland] Ltd (CMSL), Highland and Island Enterprise’s wholly owned subsidiary, permission to set up a Campervan Park in Coire na Ciste on Cairn Gorm. That consent was granted on 21 May 2021. CMSL indicated to the planning committee that they might be able…

September 6, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

On 19th August a firm called Caledonian Building Surveyors Ltd submitted a Screening Request (see here) to Highland Council on behalf of the Pitmain and Glenbanchor Estate Ltd. It asked if an Environmental Impact Assessment was required before they could upgrade and create new tracks and upgrade part of the public road up Glen Banchor…

August 27, 2021 Nick Kempe 13 comments

When the Scottish Parliament resumes in Edinburgh on Monday, MSPs should go and take a look at the access problem that is visible from their doorstep.  The Radical Road below Salisbury Crags has now been closed by Historic and Environment Scotland for almost three years following a rockfall.  The prolonged closure raises issues of national…