Tag: wildlife persecution

August 17, 2020 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Little did I know when blogging about the Cairngorms National Park wildlife sinkhole (see here) that the League of Cruel Sports was going to publish their report, Calculating Cruelty (see here), on 14th August.  The Report, if you have not seen it, is a based on a comprehensive field survey of seven estates.  From this…

August 6, 2020 Nick Kempe 5 comments

The Cairngorms National Park Authority may have acted promptly against its vice-convener, Gena Blackett, last week for something she said (see here), but when it comes to meaningful actions on conservation, it is not fit for purpose. This post takes a look at the CNPA’s multiple failures when it comes to protecting wildlife as revealed…

November 26, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

This short video  was sent to me with the message “take you mind off politics for a moment”!  It shows all the wildlife which used a log to cross a stream in Pennsylvania during the course of a year.   Most enjoyable – do watch – but I couldn’t escape the political implications.  There could hardly…

January 24, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

On Friday the Cairngorms National Park Planning Committee, which all Board Members sit on, will consider the Balavil Estate’s Planning Application to build 5km of new road into the Monadhliath Wild Land Area (see here for all papers).  The December CNPA Planning Committee rightly agreed to defer the application because it had not been advertised properly…

November 25, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The disappearance of two further tagged hen harriers within the Cairngorms National Park was  entirely predictable.    Its almost certainly blown apart the commendable target the Cairngorms National Park Authority set in its National Park Partnership Plan  “To eliminate raptor persecution”.   That should not be a surprise.   The 2017-22 Plan failed to tackle the underlying…

November 12, 2018 Nick Kempe 3 comments

The purchase of the Kinrara Estate by Wild Land Ltd, which is owned by Danish billionaire Anders Povlsen, received wide media coverage including from papers who like to treat such matters as part of our celebrity culture (see here).   It raises some dilemmas for people who believe that fundamental land reform is needed to address…

October 7, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

In January I blogged about the estate management plans the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority has been developing with some landowners (see here) and which I had requested be made public last October.  As a result of my appeal to the Information Commissioner, in July the LLTNPA “voluntarily” published some information on Integrated…

September 13, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The consultation on the draft Cairngorms Nature Action Plan closes tomorrow on Friday 14th September.  A month ago (see here) I considered the context for the plan and the proposed priorities for landscape scale conservation:   farmland, freshwater restoration, woodland expansion and peatland .   This post will look at the other two professed aims of the…

June 8, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Reviewing our National Parks Ten days ago, writing in the Sunday Telegraph (see here) or (see here for Guardian article), the Westminster Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, who currently has no powers to speak of in Scotland, announced a review of National Parks in England chaired by Julian Glover: “The goal of Julian’s review is not…

May 18, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Following the disappearance of a sea eagle on the Invercauld Estate, Raptor Persecution Scotland provided some excellent coverage of the disappearance  (see here) along with subsequent commentary.  So far this has covered the welcome statement from Grant Moir, Chief Executive of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, condemning the disappearance (see here) and then a commentary…

March 16, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Cairngorms National Park Authority meeting today has a fairly limited agenda (see here): an informative report from their Chief Executive on what has been going on; a four year corporate plan, a one year operational plan together, somewhat strangely, with a (welcome) paper on not paying Board Members who fail to attend meetings; a communications…

February 5, 2018 Nick Kempe 3 comments

I was alerted to Scottish Natural Heritage’s consultation on the Corrie Fee National Nature Reserve “We want to hear your views on our proposed management and any additional ideas you would like us to consider”  through Mountaineering Scotland news (see here).   The consultation (see here for draft management plan and excellent history) is open until…

December 24, 2017 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Last Saturday, I had a great day ski touring around and up A’Chailleach above Newtonmore.  There were feet of snow at the back of A’Chailleach and its wonderful how it obliterated most of the usual signs of human impacts, instant re-wilding! We skied from the village, gliding over the fields by the wildcat trail which…

December 15, 2017 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The £500 fine for a man who mistakenly shot a buzzard on a pheasant shoot raises some interesting questions about shooting in our National Parks. The incident took place on the Ralia/North Drumochter estate – an estate in two parts – although its not clear which from the newspaper report.   While I have seen evidence…

November 21, 2017 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Earlier this year, the owner of the Pitmain estate,  who appears to be Abdul Majid Jafar, bought the Glen Banchor and Strone Estate behind Newtonmore.   I say “appears” because the information on Pitmain Estate Ltd at Companies House fails to declare who has significant control over the company. While  Abdul Majid Jafar resigned as a Director…

November 14, 2017 Nick Kempe 2 comments

A few weeks ago I learned that someone had nominated me for the TGO Readers’ Award under the category Campaign or Campaigner of the year.    I am really grateful that someone appreciated parkswatchscotland sufficiently to nominate me for this.   I also think its great that TGO values campaigning and through the awards and its…

October 30, 2017 Nick Kempe 25 comments

Increasing numbers of a new version of the “Welcome to the moor” sign are now being erected across Scotland, particularly in the Cairngorms National Park, but so far have received, as far as I am aware, little critical comment. When is a welcome not a welcome? I have no problem with people being welcomed to…