Tag: visitor management

March 27, 2020 Nick Kempe 12 comments

I was pleased to have this letter published in the Herald today.  Its got nothing to do with National Parks but everything to do with what’s happening in them,  as this post will explain.  Until our governments set up contact tracing and testing like South Korea and China have done, there will be no end…

March 18, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

With half the country in panic mode, I was pleased I took a break from my book and attended the scheduled Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board meeting on Monday  (see here).   What the tattered remnants of the meeting showed is that this is a Public Authority only interested in itself and its…

January 17, 2020 Drennan Watson 9 comments

Alistair Bell’s open letter published on 2nd January (see here) was fascinating as an insider’s tale of what has happened to downhill skiing on Cairn Gorm. But I disagree with his final conclusion. Basically, he tackles the old issue “Cock-up or Conspiracy” and decides it was a conspiracy along the lines of the Gas Lighting…

January 9, 2020 David Windle 4 comments

In Autumn last year, Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) put the next update of the Local Management Plan for the Strathspey Forest out for consultation until March 2020.  Please look at the documents (see here) and send your views into FLS. This forest is important because it attracts a lot of tourist visits, 350,000 last…

March 12, 2019 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The papers for the next Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board meeting on Monday 18th March were published last week (see here).   There are some good things in them, particularly the papers on “Wild Park” and a new Forest Strategy  (see here), which I will consider further in due course.  There are also…

February 19, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

A year after my post on how the signs in Glen Doll at the head of Glen Clova contravened access rights (see here) I revisited the glens.   I was pleased to find that two of the three signs I had commented on have been removed. A number of regular visitors to the Glen commented on my…

December 11, 2018 Dave Morris 2 comments

[This post is partially in response to comments made by Ray Sefton on Drennan Watson’s post “Time for a re-think at Cairn Gorm”    https://parkswatchscotland.co.uk/2018/12/05/time-for-a-re-think-at-cairngorm/”]  Rights of public access, as established by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, apply to all ground around the Ptarmigan restaurant and beyond, to the far reaches of land and water…

November 21, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

There are very serious legal issues about the way in which  the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority have tried to implement the camping byelaws which up until now they have tried to sweep under the carpet. The most significant legal issue arose early last year when the LLTNPA was forced to drop its…