Tag: restoration

May 3, 2024 Nick Kempe 3 comments

This post provides a summary of some recent evidence that has emerged about the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA)’s mis-management of the crisis at the mine and some related financial developments.   The “regular updates” given to LLTNPA Board Members about Cononish goldmine The Chief Executive’s report to the LLTNPA Board Meeting…

April 29, 2024 Nick Kempe 2 comments

This post takes another look (see here) and (here) at the planning application to build an enormous pump storage hydro scheme between Loch Leambhain, facing Ben Alder, and Lochan na H-Earba.   The Scottish Government’s unaccountable Energy Consents Unit Generally it is harder to find documents relating to planning application on the Energy Consents Unit (ECU)…

February 24, 2024 Nick Kempe 5 comments

On 24th November Pitcher Partners, a company based in Western Australia, were appointed administrators for Scotgold Resources and its subsidiaries which operate in Scotland, SGZ Cononish, which operates the Cononish goldmine and its exploratory company SGZ Grampian.  Two weeks ago a reader pointed me to information about two meetings Pitcher Partners held with creditors of…

February 5, 2024 Nick Kempe 4 comments

There appears to have been no public news about what has been happening at the Cononish goldmine since its owner, Scotgold Resources, went into administration on 24th November.  Following my post of 18th December (see here), which described some of the pollutions incidents that had taken place earlier this year and my efforts to bring…

May 2, 2023 Nick Kempe 6 comments

Following my post on 3rd April about the financial crisis at the Cononish goldmine and its possible environmental consequences (see here) there have been a number of developments.   Scotgold’s finances In their interim results (see here) for the half year till December 2022, published on 30th March, the Directors of SGZ Cononish, Scotgold’s subsidiary…

July 16, 2022 Nick Kempe No comments exist

A couple of days after going to look at the botched Beauly Denny construction road restoration (see here) while walking north of Carrbridge, I came across a more recent example of SSE’s work to upgrade Scotland’s network of powerlines.  Another landscape horror. In 2018, while visiting the Auchtertipper native woodland creation scheme on the Reforesting…

November 27, 2021 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) website has had a makeover.  If you click on their site address https://www.lochlomond-trossachs.org/ you are greeted by a photo of a digger in the uplands, the hashtag slogan “Let’s do net zero” and a page of links to information on various aspects of the “climate emergency…

September 6, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

On 19th August a firm called Caledonian Building Surveyors Ltd submitted a Screening Request (see here) to Highland Council on behalf of the Pitmain and Glenbanchor Estate Ltd. It asked if an Environmental Impact Assessment was required before they could upgrade and create new tracks and upgrade part of the public road up Glen Banchor…

August 18, 2021 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Following my two posts on BrewDog’s proposals to create a Lost Forest (see here) and (here) at Kinrara,  plans for peat bog restoration on the estate  appeared on Highland Council’s planning portal (see here).  In April the Scottish Government issued new planning guidance on Permitted Development Rights (see here) which required peat bog restoration schemes…

July 19, 2021 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Following my post on the failed restoration of the Beauly Denny powerline access tracks (see here), someone asked on twitter “how would you have done this differently”?   The answer lies just over the hill on the southern face of Carn Dearg Mor above Glen Feshie.  There, Wild Land Ltd is in the process of removing…