Tag: landed estates

September 20, 2023 Nick Kempe 7 comments

Scotland National Parks and the Scottish Government If you want to understand why Scotland’s National Parks have achieved so little in the 20 years since they were created, you need look no further than successive Scottish Governments, both the Ministers responsible and the civil servants that have supported them. Instead of encouraging and empowering our…

July 10, 2023 Nick Kempe 16 comments

Following my most recent post on the Ralia hill road (see here), I was sent further photos which  support my argument that the road upgrade work should have required full planning permission.  The Construction Method Statement accompanying the Prior Notification, which was produced by Taiga Upland in conjunction with Kilrie Trees and  approved by Highland…

June 10, 2023 Nick Kempe 9 comments

Silt first started flowing into the Gynack River system, which flows into the River Spey, six and a half weeks ago (see here).  I reported and others reported this to both the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA).  The CNPA responded that they were not sure whether the silt flowing…

May 8, 2023 Nick Kempe 6 comments

I was pleased to be quoted in an article in the National on Saturday (see here) about how the Scottish Parliament still drafts legislation designed to exclude the Royal Family and Crown Estate.  Twenty 20 years ago outdoor recreational interests successfully fought to close a loophole which would have meant access rights did not apply…

February 10, 2023 Nick Kempe 6 comments

For the last few years the Herald has carried a full page feature about once a week on the climate emergency and nature crises.  Every 4-6 weeks this involves NatureScot, the new brand name for what is legally still Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).  Sometimes these pieces are written by NatureScot – often under the name…

January 26, 2023 Nick Kempe 7 comments

This post provides an update to what I wrote in October on Forest and Land Scotland’s purchase of the Glen Prosen estate (see here).  So far, Forest and Land Scotland has issued not a single news release  https://forestryandland.gov.scot/news-releases about their purchase or their plans. Nor does it appear to have published any other information which…

January 5, 2023 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Following on from my post on peat bog restoration in Glen Banchor (see here), in 2020/21 three new woodland enclosures were erected along the River Calder as part of a conservation project. It involved a fair amount of machinery, raw materials (including bags of cement just out of the photo) and materials for fencing. How…