Tag: HIE

October 24, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

With the ongoing crisis at Cairn Gorm, the bungled planning applications and the question of the funicular, its important that people don’t forget how Highlands and Island’s enterprise created this pickle.    After the decision to build the funicular in the first place, arguably HIE’s greatest mistake was the sale of Cairngorm Mountain Ltd to Natural…

October 8, 2019 Alan Brattey 22 comments

The Funicular Railway on Cairn Gorm has now been out of service for more than a year. Its future remains unclear although Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) have said that it is their intention to have it repaired. Parkswatch has previously had a look at this from the point of view of skiers (see here) …

October 2, 2019 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

At the beginning of August Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd, Highland and Islands Enterprise’s subsidiary which operates their business at Cairn Gorm, submitted a Planning Application to create a new beginner’s ski area (see here for planning documents).  Parkswatch has covered this several times already (see here), (here) and (here) but the more you look at…

September 18, 2019 Drennan Watson 2 comments

[A version of this post appeared as a letter in the Press and Journal on 14th September in response to a letter from Gordon Benton on 3rd September] A number of people and interests are advocating expansion of the facilities on Cairn Gorm to include a hill station to solve ongoing financial problems. It would…

September 16, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The Cairngorms National Park Authority’s consultation on its new Economic Action Plan, 2019-22, will close on Friday (see here).    While there are some good things in the plan, this post argues its exhortation for people to work together won’t work under our current system and it fails to address the one economic matter over which the…

September 5, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

In the first bit of really welcome news (see here) to have emerged from the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park for some time, officers have recommended  that the entire Flamingo Land Planning Application is refused.  This includes both the proposals for land owned by Scottish Enterprise and the National Park itself on the Riverside…

September 4, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Last week Audit Scotland, who are responsible for overseeing financial management by public authorities, published their annual audit of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (to March 2019) and a supplementary report “Cairngorm Mountain and the funicular railway”.     The supplementary report (see here ) is succinct, extracts information which is hard to find in the main…

August 27, 2019 Nick Kempe 8 comments

If the declaration of a climate emergency by the Scottish Government is to mean anything, we all need to think and act differently.    Continuing to look at and treat the natural environment in the same old way, as a commodity to be used and exploited, just won’t do.  We need to become far cleverer about…

August 21, 2019 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

This post takes a further look at the issues (see here) associated with the latest Planning Application (2019/0247/DET) by Highlands and Islands Enterprises/ Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd at Cairn Gorm. The application is to create a beginners ski area over an area of 0.93 ha or 9,300 sq.m. in the lower right-hand half of the picture…

August 5, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Following Alan Brattey’s post The Cairn Gorm Funicular:  Repair or Remove?, on Thursday Highlands and Islands Enterprise revealed at a meeting organised by the Aviemore and Glenmore Community Trust (see above) that they intend to repair the funicular as: “We have an indicative cost of repairs, which is less than the costs of removing the…

July 25, 2019 Graham Garfoot 5 comments

With the Funicular currently out of action and its future unknown, the recently published SE Group addendum into uplift a Cairn Gorm (see here) is ostensibly recommending the creation of 8.7 hectares of new ski terrain in Coire Cas as part of their revised plans.  This post explains why this figure is wrong and far…

July 22, 2019 Alan Brattey 9 comments

It has now been 9 months since the Funicular Railway was taken out of service but whether or not it will be repaired remains unknown. The focus though of Highlands and Islands Enterprise is entirely on whether or not it can be repaired.  The HIE website has this:  ‘’HIE has consistently stated that its preferred…

July 15, 2019 Graham Garfoot 12 comments

Following my two posts on the proposed Mountain Coaster (see here) and (here) , I will take a look at the financial and environmental aspects of the proposed new uplift at Cairngorm as outlined in the SE Group report of November 2018 (see here).   I will use the same kind of format as the Mountain Coaster…

July 10, 2019 Alan Brattey 5 comments

The Snowfactory at the top of the Coire Cas Carpark is 8m tall and stands sentinel to HIE’s bureaucratic mismanagement at Cairn Gorm. A snowfactory trial was undertaken at CairnGorm during the winter of 2017/18. That was a direct response to the Aviemore Business Association exhorting the Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for HIE, Fergus Ewing…

July 3, 2019 Graham Garfoot 5 comments

This is a picture of the Fiacaill ridge in Coire Cas which is being proposed as the new site for the Mountain Coaster, an idea which is, I am reliably informed, already attracting a lot of interest, and not in a positive way. The second photo is a close up of the same area showing…

June 28, 2019 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

“A mountain coaster is a massive source of income but has to be implemented by the community”. This was part of a Facebook post on Sunday 23/06/2019, the claim being that the business plan proposed by the Aviemore and Glenmore Community Trust (A&GCT) and the SE Group showed a good profit could be made from…

June 21, 2019 Graham Garfoot 11 comments

On 19/02/2019 I applied to Highlands and Islands Enterprise, under a Freedom of Information request, for the ADAC Structures report into the Condition of the Funicular Railway from November 2015, (see here – 6.5MB file).  I subsequently received this on May Bank holiday Monday,  06/05/2019,  at 09.31. This was five days after the Big Breakfast…

June 4, 2019 Alan Brattey 1 comment

The compulsory parking charge scheme at Cairn Gorm, introduced by Natural Retreats in June 2018 was dropped in September of that year (see here).  There was no point in continuing to make parking charges compulsory when the Funicular failed and the number of tourist visits crashed. The number of skiers who visited Cairn Gorm last…

May 28, 2019 Alan Brattey 2 comments

Parkswatch previously published information about the amounts collected from Voluntary Donations at the Coire Cas car park between 2013 and 2017 (see here).  HIE were asked to detail how that money had been spent and although they ‘did not have that information’’ they asserted  ‘funds were committed to car park maintenance and other projects’  We…

May 23, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The revised Planning Application to redevelop and expand the Ptarmigan Restaurant near the top of Cairn Gorm is to be considered by the Cairngorms National Park Authority on Friday (see here – item 6). Officers are recommending that the application should be approved.  This post explains why CNPA Board Members should reject the application and…

May 20, 2019 Alan Brattey 3 comments

Highlands and Islands Enterprise, as owners and custodians of the Cairn Gorm Estate, have full responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the public assets that lie within the estate. In an article published in the Press and Journal on Thursday 16 May 2019 headed “Cairngorm funicular report held up over potential legal action”  (see…

May 16, 2019 Nick Kempe 10 comments

Just six weeks after the Cairngorms National Park Authority adopted a set of working principles for future development at Cairn Gorm (see here), including the need for a masterplan BEFORE any new Planning Applications were considered, guess what?    Highlands and Islands Enterprise has submitted yet another Planning Application to Highland Council for Cairn Gorm (see…