Tag: HIE

September 25, 2021 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

Recently Highland and Islands Enterprise released the remains of the Health and Safety (H and S) File concerning the construction of the funicular railway required under the Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 1994. Having originally requested this file on 21/01/21 I received this email on 06/09/21 at 12.22p.m. from HIE:- I had been notified…

September 19, 2021 Alan Brattey 7 comments

The Cairngorm National Park Planning Committee saw fit to grant Cairngorm Mountain [Scotland] Ltd (CMSL), Highland and Island Enterprise’s wholly owned subsidiary, permission to set up a Campervan Park in Coire na Ciste on Cairn Gorm. That consent was granted on 21 May 2021. CMSL indicated to the planning committee that they might be able…

July 13, 2021 Nick Kempe 7 comments

On Sunday evening I went up to take a look at Cairn Gorm, the first time since the repair of the funicular started.  I got a photo of the construction (see here) of the tube slides before the rain started. The steel support structure for the slides, referred to in the planning application, appear to…

May 21, 2021 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

When I wrote post (6) (see here) in the series with this title I thought I had covered the majority of the issues with the funicular.  I arrived at the conclusion that yes the repairs would work but with no idea of the longevity of those repairs. Job done. Then, on 04/05/2021 it was reported in…

May 19, 2021 Nick Kempe 11 comments

The closure of public toilets in Scotland, which had been going on for years, gathered pace under austerity (see here and here for example), with hardly a murmur of political dissent. The Victorians – who knew the value of public conveniences, from both a public health and a tourism perspective – would have been appalled. …

April 26, 2021 Cairngorm lover 9 comments

In the Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd [CMSL] Business Plan that was published on 24 January 2020, the interim CEO wrote the following: Vision: ‘’To become a world class Visitor Destination – Ambitious to succeed’’   On 23 March 2021, CMSL submitted a planning application (see here) to Highland Council for a Campervan Park within the Coire na…

April 21, 2021 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

In my original post with this title (see here) I referred to “the demolition of other viable uplift”.  This led at least one person to assume that Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)  and Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd (CMSL) were currently considering the demolition of other tows on the mountain. That was not my intention, I was…

March 30, 2021 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

Since the involvement of Highlands and Islands Enterprise HIE) with the Cairngorm ski resort and the construction of the funicular railway, the mountain business and its skier/ boarder capacity has gone downhill faster than G.B’s olympic skiers ever did. The folly is continuing with HIE deciding to have the funicular repaired at any cost and,…

March 19, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

A month ago I obtained the Cairngorm Mountain Business Plan 1st April 2020 – 31st March 2023, along with Highlands and Islands Enterprise’s operational agreement with Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd, their fully owned subsidiary responsible for the plan, through Freedom of Information requests.  Both documents are heavily redacted (sorry still too many MB in size…

February 25, 2021 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

This post takes a further look (see here) at the ongoing mismanagement of health and safety at Cairn Gorm. After concerns about the safety of the lift infrastructure at Cairngorm Mountain were raised  by a member of the public in 2018 the Health & Safety Executive (H&SE) visited and issued three Improvement Notices.  The Inspectors (“they”)…

February 11, 2021 Graham Garfoot 1 comment

When I started this series of posts (see here), (here), (here), (here) and (here) I had expected to write three, maybe four, before reaching a conclusion. But as time went on, more and more information has been revealed through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. These FOI’s enabled correlation with the COWI (engineering )report, Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE’s)…

February 3, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Regular reader will know that in investigating what is going on in our National Parks, contributors often use information published on the Companies House website.  Recent examples include my coverage of the Cameron House fire (see here) and Tim Ambrose’s analysis of the level of public subsidy provided by Highlands and Islands Enterprise to Cairngorm…

January 30, 2021 Graham Garfoot 15 comments

Continuing this series of posts (see here), the idea for funicular at Cairn Gorm was I believe inspired by the Ellmau funicular.  A comparison between the two railways is instructive and raises further questions about whether the proposed repairs to the Cairngorm Mountain funicular. The most outstanding difference is the viaduct itself, steel piers and…