Tag: Governance

February 3, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Regular reader will know that in investigating what is going on in our National Parks, contributors often use information published on the Companies House website.  Recent examples include my coverage of the Cameron House fire (see here) and Tim Ambrose’s analysis of the level of public subsidy provided by Highlands and Islands Enterprise to Cairngorm…

January 30, 2021 Graham Garfoot 15 comments

Continuing this series of posts (see here), the idea for funicular at Cairn Gorm was I believe inspired by the Ellmau funicular.  A comparison between the two railways is instructive and raises further questions about whether the proposed repairs to the Cairngorm Mountain funicular. The most outstanding difference is the viaduct itself, steel piers and…

December 14, 2020 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Amid the public outcry about the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority’s approval of the Hunter Foundation development at Ross Priory, the Scottish Government’s Planning and Environmental Appeals Division has opened a case (see here) on whether an Environmental Impact Assessment should have conducted.  Until that is decided, the LLTNPA’s decision has effectively been…

November 30, 2020 Nick Kempe 17 comments

Last Monday the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Planning Committee  approved the Hunter Foundation (THF)’s proposals (see here) and (here) for a “Global Leadership” (and wedding) Centre on the shore of Loch Lomond unanimously. While the meeting was webcast live, unlike other public authorities our National Parks do not make recordings of their…

November 27, 2020 Nick Kempe 9 comments

Signs in the countryside form part of the narrative about access and help shape public understanding about what the right to roam in Scotland means.  Even if ignored by many,  I find it hard to pass signs without taking a photo.  Six weeks ago, on spotting a cluster of signs behind a Welcome to the…

October 14, 2020 Graham Garfoot 2 comments

Photo courtesy of the Save the Ciste campaign showing the Funicular Viaduct from the washing line tow. Is this what the mountain will look like when work commences? The development of the Business Case to repair of the funicular (see here) was shrouded in secrecy.  This post takes a look at what Highland and Islands…

October 8, 2020 Alan Brattey 9 comments

This post takes a further look at the Artworks/landscaping structures that are adjacent to the Coire Cas Carpark on Cairn Gorm. Following my blog post (see here) that showed the dilapidated condition of the walls, I was contacted by two members of the public, both of whom expressed concerns about the safety aspects of the…

September 25, 2020 George Allan 7 comments

In response to recent written Parliamentary questions, Fergus Ewing (Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy) has stated that: – A decision on the repair of the funicular is expected shortly. – The business case will be published shortly. This suggests that there will be no period between publication of the business case and a decision by…

August 26, 2020 George Allan 4 comments

Further to yesterday’s critique of Cairngorm Mountain – Towards a Vision and a Masterplan (see here) this post takes a look at the  process Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is using to consult the public. The consultation document (see here) is part a series of high level statements and part a wish list of potential developments;…

August 4, 2020 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The Cairngorm National Park Authority Board investigation was completed very quickly.  The same day this article appeared the CNPA convener, Xander McDade, announced (see here) that the Board’s Risk and Audit Committee  had decided that “the potential of a breach of the Code of Conduct should be referred to the Standards Commission”, the body responsible…

May 5, 2020 Gordon Bulloch 1 comment

Scottish Government changes to planning processes The Scottish Government has been urging all planning authorities, including our National Parks, to maintain their planning system as a top priority.  Planning Authorities are being urged to use all of their discretionary powers backed up by the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 to keep the planning system going (see…

April 18, 2020 Gordon Bulloch 3 comments

The village of Nethy Bridge prides itself as being the Forest Village, being almost fully surrounded by woodland and forest, much of which is classified as ancient woodland.  Yet developer Castle Glen Properties of Aberdeen has submitted a planning application for planning permission in principle to the Cairngorms National Park Authority for the construction of…

April 9, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

This letter from David Fallows about the need for the Cairngorms National Park Authority to webcast Board Meetings speaks for itself.  It’s something I have been calling for for both our National Parks ever since the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority unlawfully held 13 Board Meetings in secret to decide their camping byelaws. …

March 18, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

With half the country in panic mode, I was pleased I took a break from my book and attended the scheduled Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board meeting on Monday  (see here).   What the tattered remnants of the meeting showed is that this is a Public Authority only interested in itself and its…

March 13, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

I am pleased to publish below, with their permission, the Friends of Loch Lomond and Trossachs’ response to the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park’s Authority draft outdoor recreation plan (see here). It should be required reading for every LLTNPA Board Member before they consider the update report on the draft Outdoor Recreation Plan on Monday (see…