Tag: Deer

April 4, 2024 Nick Kempe 29 comments

Question: how does France (along with many other European countries) manage to have so much more woodland than Scotland and “do” forestry without fencing and planting? Answer: they control grazing by large herbivores, whether livestock or deer, using completely different legal mechanisms than exist in Scotland The fundamental failing with the legislative proposals in the…

March 29, 2024 Professor Douglas C MacMillan 12 comments

The Scottish Government’s consultation on proposals to modernise the legislation which governs deer management in Scotland closes today (see here).    There is a survey which is relatively easy to complete. The primary aim of the proposed legislation is to ‘ensure it is fit for purpose in the context of the biodiversity and climate crises’.   The…

February 19, 2024 Geoff Riddington 6 comments

In December the Planning Committee of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) unanimously approved the planning application by Mr and Mrs Young to build a luxury holiday lodge on Inchconnachan (see here  for committee report). Initially the application had included a proposal, based on advice from NatureScot, to remove the wallabies from…

January 15, 2024 Nick Kempe 6 comments

Soon after suggesting that sporting estates managed for grouse pose the greater threat to access rights because of their concerted attempts to make people “keep to the path”  (see here), I came across this salutary reminder that some deer stalking estates are still ignoring the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC). One of the primary meanings…

December 19, 2023 Professor Douglas C MacMillan 14 comments

Restoring Scotland’s natural woodland cover and biodiversity from centuries of over grazing is an urgent and necessary step towards sustainable management and care for our hills and mountains.  Woodland regeneration could, within decades, extend throughout the uplands allowing a natural woodland mosaic to develop, increasing biodiversity while protecting and enhancing the terrestrial carbon cycles.  The…

December 8, 2023 Nick Kempe 6 comments

The Scottish Government’s consultation on “Tackling the Nature Emergency: Scotland’s Strategic Framework for Biodiversity” (see here), which was launched in September and includes proposals to reform Scotland’s National Parks, closes on 14th December. To date I have only considered the Scottish Government’s undemocratic proposal to increase Ministerial control over appointments to National Park board appointments…

November 23, 2023 Nick Kempe 4 comments

On 9th November, two days after Scotgold announced (see here) it had been unable to find a new investor for the Cononish goldmine and it was likely to go into administration, the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) informed me their Planning Committee had noted without amendment the “annual report” on the mine….

November 5, 2023 Nick Kempe 5 comments

At the start of October, almost a year after they bought the Glen Prosen Estate for £17,555,000,  , Forest and Land Scotland (FLS) launched an initial consultation of what to do with the land and buildings under the banner of developing an Angus Glens Land Management Plan (see here). When I last wrote about Glen…

May 8, 2023 Nick Kempe 6 comments

I was pleased to be quoted in an article in the National on Saturday (see here) about how the Scottish Parliament still drafts legislation designed to exclude the Royal Family and Crown Estate.  Twenty 20 years ago outdoor recreational interests successfully fought to close a loophole which would have meant access rights did not apply…