June 28, 2019 Graham Garfoot 3 comments

“A mountain coaster is a massive source of income but has to be implemented by the community”. This was part of a Facebook post on Sunday 23/06/2019, the claim being that the business plan proposed by the Aviemore and Glenmore Community Trust (A&GCT) and the SE Group showed a good profit could be made from…

June 21, 2019 Graham Garfoot 11 comments

On 19/02/2019 I applied to Highlands and Islands Enterprise, under a Freedom of Information request, for the ADAC Structures report into the Condition of the Funicular Railway from November 2015, (see here – 6.5MB file).  I subsequently received this on May Bank holiday Monday,  06/05/2019,  at 09.31. This was five days after the Big Breakfast…

June 7, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Background The Planning Bill, which is about to be considered again by the Scottish Parliament, originated as a response to developers who claimed that the Planning System was an impediment to “economic development”.   The real explanation for why developments can take a long time to materialise lies in most developments being driven first and foremost…

May 23, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The revised Planning Application to redevelop and expand the Ptarmigan Restaurant near the top of Cairn Gorm is to be considered by the Cairngorms National Park Authority on Friday (see here – item 6). Officers are recommending that the application should be approved.  This post explains why CNPA Board Members should reject the application and…

May 16, 2019 Nick Kempe 10 comments

Just six weeks after the Cairngorms National Park Authority adopted a set of working principles for future development at Cairn Gorm (see here), including the need for a masterplan BEFORE any new Planning Applications were considered, guess what?    Highlands and Islands Enterprise has submitted yet another Planning Application to Highland Council for Cairn Gorm (see…

May 8, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

I  had been meaning to follow up why the last meeting of the Cairngorms National Park Authority Board had held a confidential discussion on Cairngorm Mountain when last week the Cairngorms National Park Authority published a new document., “Cairngorm Mountain – CNPA Working Principles”.  An email to the Cairngorms National Park Authority established that the…

April 8, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Scotland has fewer democratically elected representatives and a more centralised system of government than anywhere else in Europe, including England (see here) and (here).  More and more power is exercised directly by the Scottish Government, .  While the Scottish Parliament has, since it was set up, reviewed or created a number of new Public Authorities,…

April 5, 2019 Dave Morris 6 comments

The Cairngorms National Park Authority‘s news release On 2 April the Cairngorms National Park Authority issued a news release under the heading “Protect wildlife – dogs on leads please” here. This news release should set alarm bells ringing amongst all who cherish our statutory rights of access to land. Although much of the news release…

March 27, 2019 Nick Kempe 7 comments

The posts on parkswatch last week by Graham Garfoot (see here) and Alan Brattey (see here) coincided with the excellent coverage from the BBC about Highland and Islands Enterprise’s disastrous management of Cairn Gorm.  This appeared on both radio and TV and while I had been interviewed for the story a few weeks ago I…

March 26, 2019 George Allan 2 comments

Modern ATVs allow estates motorised access to almost anywhere and their widespread use is causing environmental damage as well as creating ugly visual intrusions into otherwise unspoilt landscapes. Inevitably, planning applications are now coming forward to construct vehicle tracks where ATV damage has occurred, supported by the argument that built tracks are the lesser of…

March 18, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Its the muirburn season (1st October to 15th April).  Following my post on muirburn at Mar Lodge (see here), REVIVE has released film footage of muirburn in the Cairngorms National Park  (see here).  This was covered by the Ferret yesterday (see here).   Parkswatch can add to the concerns about the impact of muirburn on the…

March 15, 2019 Dave Morris 2 comments

What is the connection between national parks and Brexit? Not much might be your first reaction, but read on…… The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy has an influence on most of the UK’s countryside, from the intensively managed fields adjacent to our villages and towns to the highest summits where the sheep roam freely. Most…

March 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 5 comments

This being the muirburn season – I spotted four examples in the Cairngorms National Park on my way up to Aviemore 12 days ago – it was very interesting to see how the Scottish media picked up on the fire damage caused by a dropped cigarette rather than all the fires deliberately started by landowners. …

February 26, 2019 Alan Brattey 1 comment

A couple of weeks ago I drafted an article about the disgraceful state of the Coire na Ciste Car Park.  I went up there at the weekend to find it had been cleared up.  The appointment of Ross Harris as interim Chief Executive of the new ski area operating company, Cairngorm Mountain Scotland Ltd, would…