Category: Access rights

September 17, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Following the release of lockdown, I have come across far fewer no access signs in Scotland’s countryside compared to the aftermath of the Foot and Mouth crisis in 2001.   The main impediments to access in areas like the east shore of Loch Lomond have been the closure of roads and car parks by Public Authorities…

August 24, 2020 Nick Kempe 12 comments

Following my posts on how litter (see here) and traffic management issues (see here) are being used to attack access rights, Perth and Kinross Council has now gone further than even the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority has dared to do.  The move could undermine access rights across Scotland.  The comments on thei…

June 16, 2020 Nick Kempe 23 comments

My post last week on the Scottish Government’s guidance on travel for Outdoor Recreation .(see here) was re-posted, with my permission, on the UK Climbing and Hillwalking Forums and shared elsewhere.  It received lots of comments and a fair amount of abuse.  The abuse appears to have been founded on the view that anyone deciding…

June 4, 2020 Dave Morris 12 comments

When I heard that the First Minister was going to permit golf courses to open last weekend, without also opening up the rest of the countryside at the same time, I thought she had taken leave of her senses. Or had received some extremely bad advice. Surely it was absolutely obvious that this would create…

May 29, 2020 Nick Kempe 12 comments

Yesterday the Scottish Government formally announced its proposals for Phase 1 of its Route Map out of the Covid-19 lockdown.  The proposals involve relaxing controls over activities that take place in the outdoors so long as people stay apart:  working outdoors, meeting people outdoors and outdoor recreation.  While parts of the guidance are excellent and…

May 13, 2020 Dave Morris No comments exist

With lockdown in Scotland continuing for a while yet the opportunities for visiting our national parks will be limited for many people. So, as we focus more on local access, it is essential that everyone has a clear understanding of what those opportunities are, from front door and gate. Our “right to roam”, a term…

April 28, 2020 Nick Kempe 4 comments

“And of course given how severely this virus is affecting older people and those with other health vulnerabilities, some form of shielding will almost certainly be required for the foreseeable future” (Nicola Sturgeon on lifting “lockdown” (see here)). In the last few weeks, as a result of the Corona Crisis, Parkswatch’s attention has shifted from…

April 26, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

While arguing in my last post (see here) that Scottish Natural Heritage’s advice on access to farmland during the corona crisis undermines the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and is unduly restrictive, interestingly it contains a link to the quite separate Scottish Government advice on taking dogs outdoors  for a walk that is far less restrictive….

April 22, 2020 Nick Kempe 7 comments

On Monday (20th April)  the Scottish Parliament met, sitting two metres apart.  The session started with the Presiding Officer asked MSPs to take particular care to maintain that distance when arriving and leaving at the Chamber.  That same day the First Minister announced a crackdown on workplaces that had been allowed to remain open but…

April 13, 2020 Nick Kempe 17 comments

This post takes a look at the Scottish Government’s increasing drive to restrict when and how people – including staff working for the NHS on the frontline – can leave their homes for their own mental and physical health and how this fits with our access rights and human rights.   Shifting “medical” advice When…