Tag: Scottish Government

May 31, 2022 Nick Kempe 2 comments

When you see bizarre claims on a sign once they are easy to dismiss as the product of a landowner’s fevered mind.  This, however, is the second sign I have come across in the last year  that claims “red culls” are carried out “By Order of the Scottish Government”.  (Apologies I cannot recall the location…

May 26, 2022 Nick Kempe 3 comments

[Apologies, I made an error in my explanation of the law below and have updated this post.  A full understanding of Board membership requires interpretation of the 2000 Parks Act, which is less than clear in this area, and incorporation of the separate designation orders and modification orders for the two Parks] Under the National…

May 18, 2022 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Last month, in a great piece of investigative journalism (see here), Rob Edwards from the Ferret obtained a copy of a document called the “Salisbury Crags Rock Risk Management Options Appraisal 2021” from Historic Environment Scotland (HES).  This revealed that HES are seriously considering trying to close the Radical Road in Edinburgh permanently.  Although I,…

May 17, 2022 Nick Kempe 9 comments

On Thursday, the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Minister, the Green MSP Lorna Slater, who also has responsibility for National Parks, launched a consultation (see here for news release) on creating a third National Park in Scotland.  It is to credit of the Greens that they have forced the Scottish Government to reverse their longstanding opposition to…

May 10, 2022 Nick Kempe 16 comments

It turns out that the financial disaster at Cairngorm is going to be even worse than Parkswatch predicted (see here).  Not only are the funicular repair costs increasing but, as Martin Williams revealed in the Herald on Sunday 9 days ago (see here), there is no money to pay for this, let alone the annual…

March 8, 2022 Nick Kempe 1 comment

On 25th February Forestry and Land Scotland and Forestry England issued a joint news release (see here) announcing that they had acquired the Camping and Caravanning Club (CCC)’s majority stake in Camping in the Forest (CITF) which manages three campsites in prime locations in Scotland’s National Parks: at Glenmore in the Cairngorms; Cashel on Loch…

November 28, 2021 Nick Kempe 5 comments

While working on my last post criticising the response of the leadership of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority to the climate emergency (see here), I had no idea of the damage that had by wrought by Storm Arwen at Stronachlachar in the Trossachs.  My thanks to the Steamship Trust for including parkswatch…

November 27, 2021 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) website has had a makeover.  If you click on their site address https://www.lochlomond-trossachs.org/ you are greeted by a photo of a digger in the uplands, the hashtag slogan “Let’s do net zero” and a page of links to information on various aspects of the “climate emergency…

November 11, 2021 Nick Kempe 4 comments

There are lots of good aspirations in the draft Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan (NPPP), which is out for public consultation until 17th December (see here), but at the heart of its plan for nature is an unambitious target for carbon emissions.  The effect of this will be to allow unsustainable management of land to…

November 5, 2021 Dave Morris 9 comments

“We need farmers”. Speaking in Glasgow on 2 Nov, alongside First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and young activists, the former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, emphasised the role of farmers in making a “step change in our relationship to the natural world”. Such a step change was “really…