Tag: Scottish Government

April 13, 2020 Nick Kempe 17 comments

This post takes a look at the Scottish Government’s increasing drive to restrict when and how people – including staff working for the NHS on the frontline – can leave their homes for their own mental and physical health and how this fits with our access rights and human rights.   Shifting “medical” advice When…

April 3, 2020 Nick Kempe 7 comments

In the corona panic, the Scottish Government and our Public Authorities have completely lost all sense of reason.  It will have serious human and environmental consequences. What the Coronavirus Health Protection Restriction Scotland Regulations (see here), passed last week by the Scottish Government without any parliamentary scrutiny, actually say is that you cannot leave where…

April 2, 2020 Nick Kempe 11 comments

Last week, without anyone noticing, the Scottish Government followed the UK Government and used the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations to remove our right to protest. What the regulation means is that if health and social care staff or other workers walk out of their workplace to protest against the lack of personal protective…

March 27, 2020 Nick Kempe 12 comments

I was pleased to have this letter published in the Herald today.  Its got nothing to do with National Parks but everything to do with what’s happening in them,  as this post will explain.  Until our governments set up contact tracing and testing like South Korea and China have done, there will be no end…

March 24, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

The corona crisis has swept all before it.  What seemed rational just a few days ago is now deemed unacceptable, whether that was the advice issued our by our recreational organisations (see here), the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority holding a truncated Board Meeting last Monday (see here) or the measures put in…

March 4, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

On Monday afternoon news emerged that Blairvadach had been saved – for another year – as a result of the deal the Scottish Government did with the Greens last week to get support for their budget.  This deal involved more money being allocated to local authorities and, with that cash in hand, the SNP administration…

March 3, 2020 Nick Kempe 5 comments

Recently, Forest and Land Scotland have been flailing trees on Forest Drive in the Trossachs. Flailing is much cheaper than cutting trees manually but is a very destructive practice. It might be acceptable for clearing scrub from roadside verges, but little else. Its impact on hedges, for example, is disastrous, destroying their structure and ecological…

February 27, 2020 John Lewis 1 comment

I do not think there is anyone who will contest the value of Outdoor activity / residential experiences for helping young people to develop in life, education, health and social relationships. High quality Outdoor Education / residential experiences develop young people for life’s challenges, greater understanding of the natural environment, greater social interaction and make…

February 12, 2020 Dave Morris 8 comments

Anyone who wonders why new legislation is needed to regulate deer numbers in Scotland need only study this photograph, taken in Oct 2018, and then read David Lintern’s fine article from 2017 on Walkhighlands “Bare hill of the Hind” (see here). The Walk Highlands article includes a video of a massive herd of red deer…

January 29, 2020 Nick Kempe 15 comments

The two fine letters speak for themselves. Sadly, there is now widespread misunderstanding about the law on access across Scotland: Camping is one of the activities covered by access rights but but those rights specifically exclude motor vehicles.  This slide, appended to the consultation document issued by the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust on Freedom…

January 6, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

In December the LINK hill tracks group revealed that the owner of the Glen Clova estate, Mr Hugh Niven, has appealed to the Scottish Government against the enforcement notice which the Cairngorms National Park Authority issued against the new hill road by the Clova hotel (see here) and (here): “It is deeply frustrating that a…

December 16, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

A month after the Flamingo Land Planning Application was withdrawn on 17th September (see here), I submitted an information request to clarify further the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board’s involvement in the whole process.  EIR 2019-022 Response arrived a couple of weeks ago.  It provides several insights into the Flamingo Land Planning…

December 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Last week Revive, the coalition for grouse moor reform,  issued a new report Untold Suffering about how thousands of animals are killed and trapped on Scotland’s grouse moors.  Its one of the scandals of our time that this slaughter takes place even in our National Parks which were set up to protect nature (see here). …