Tag: outdoor recreation

August 5, 2020 Alan Mackay 2 comments

(This is the third of four posts – see here and here – on alternatives to HIE proposals to repair the funicular that would have far greater benefits to snowsports in the Cairngorms and Scotland as a whole) Proposal A new medium speed quad chairlift with loading carpet which would replace the Harrier and Falcon…

July 28, 2020 Alan Mackay 6 comments

This is the first of four posts for Parkswatch Scotland (summarised on the Winter Highland forum) about alternative short term options to fixing the Cairn Gorm funicular. The first post will deal with some of the issues raised in my planning objection to its repair (see here for background).  It will be followed by three …

June 15, 2020 Dave Morris 3 comments

The Scottish Government’s route map out of lockdown (see here) needs the whole mainland road network open as soon as possible. At present this is unlikely to happen until 15 July when the majority of tourism facilities are expected to re-open. Progress in disease control suggests that a more staged approach is now justified to…

May 29, 2020 Nick Kempe 12 comments

Yesterday the Scottish Government formally announced its proposals for Phase 1 of its Route Map out of the Covid-19 lockdown.  The proposals involve relaxing controls over activities that take place in the outdoors so long as people stay apart:  working outdoors, meeting people outdoors and outdoor recreation.  While parts of the guidance are excellent and…

April 22, 2020 Nick Kempe 7 comments

On Monday (20th April)  the Scottish Parliament met, sitting two metres apart.  The session started with the Presiding Officer asked MSPs to take particular care to maintain that distance when arriving and leaving at the Chamber.  That same day the First Minister announced a crackdown on workplaces that had been allowed to remain open but…

March 13, 2020 Nick Kempe 3 comments

I am pleased to publish below, with their permission, the Friends of Loch Lomond and Trossachs’ response to the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park’s Authority draft outdoor recreation plan (see here). It should be required reading for every LLTNPA Board Member before they consider the update report on the draft Outdoor Recreation Plan on Monday (see…

March 4, 2020 Nick Kempe 2 comments

On Monday afternoon news emerged that Blairvadach had been saved – for another year – as a result of the deal the Scottish Government did with the Greens last week to get support for their budget.  This deal involved more money being allocated to local authorities and, with that cash in hand, the SNP administration…

February 27, 2020 John Lewis 1 comment

I do not think there is anyone who will contest the value of Outdoor activity / residential experiences for helping young people to develop in life, education, health and social relationships. High quality Outdoor Education / residential experiences develop young people for life’s challenges, greater understanding of the natural environment, greater social interaction and make…

February 10, 2020 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The Adventure Syndicate recently produced an excellent video on girls’ and young women’s participation in outdoor activities called “Should” (see here). It should be required viewing for every member of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Board and their ranger service. Action 10 of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority’s draft…

December 6, 2018 Alan Brattey 1 comment

It has always been the case that snow for skiing on the lower slopes of the Cairn Gorm ski area Mountain is a bit hit and miss. While continuous snow lie above the Sheiling mid-station is fairly reliable, below that level it tends to come and go, even in good seasons. That was recognised long…

October 27, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

I was in Aberdeen on Tuesday night giving a talk to the North East Mountain Trust on “What is the Cairngorm National Park for?”.   I have been a member for years, because of the excellent work they do and their magazine Mountain Views, which I regard as an essential source of information for anyone who…