Tag: natural environment

March 18, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Its the muirburn season (1st October to 15th April).  Following my post on muirburn at Mar Lodge (see here), REVIVE has released film footage of muirburn in the Cairngorms National Park  (see here).  This was covered by the Ferret yesterday (see here).   Parkswatch can add to the concerns about the impact of muirburn on the…

March 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 5 comments

This being the muirburn season – I spotted four examples in the Cairngorms National Park on my way up to Aviemore 12 days ago – it was very interesting to see how the Scottish media picked up on the fire damage caused by a dropped cigarette rather than all the fires deliberately started by landowners. …

February 26, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Its now almost a year since the Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham visited the head of Loch Long at the invitation of local MSP Jackie Baillie and local residents (see here) to see the litter problem.  The local community has been organising clear-ups for years but the sheer volume of rubbish swept up by the sea was…

December 7, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

There have been many objections to the Flamingo Land Planning Application but very little consideration given to how it fits with the policies set out in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority Local Development Plan (LDP).    While politics are often a more important factor than plans in determining planning applications,  the LDP is…

July 31, 2018 James Graham 6 comments

  [Editor’s note:  my apologies to James and readers, I had  intended to appear publish James’ objection to the Flamingo Land proposal at the end of June.  It makes a forceful case for nature] My objection to the Flamingo Land planning application was as follows. To the east, the Site Boundary is on the River…

July 25, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Between 18th and 21st September the Cairngorms National Park Authority are hosting the Europarc conference (see here) for “protected area professionals” .  The theme of this year’s conference is “reconnecting young people with nature”.  All attendees are being encouraged to bring a young person as part of the International Year of Young People and my…

May 15, 2018 Gordon Bulloch 1 comment

Looks like many other SUDS schemes     ….but why would they not want photographs taken? Read on……………… This SUDS scheme looks like many others, but could it really become a national icon and the ‘go to’ place for water technology as claimed by the British organiser of an Icelandic delegation visiting to the Cairngorms National Park? …

April 15, 2018 Nick Kempe No comments exist

I have been in the Haute Maurienne, in the Vanoise National Park, the last week on a two week ski touring trip.   There has been a lot of snow, far more than recent winters (see here), and what is left is still impressive.   Unfortunately, from the ski touring point of view, our arrival coincided…

March 22, 2018 Nick Kempe 11 comments

In the Battle for Scotland’s Countryside last week (see here), David Hayman presented a brief history of the struggle for access rights leading up to our access legislation and then looked at three subsequent access disputes.  On first viewing, I was a bit disappointed with how these were covered:  the film of David Hayman entering…

March 5, 2018 Nick Kempe 6 comments

The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park’s new camping byelaw “season” started last Thursday, unnoticed in the midst of the chaos created by the “beast from the east”.  It was announced in a wonderful piece of parkspeak,  “National Park prepares to welcome campers as byelaws come back into effect” (see here).   A strange welcome you…

February 27, 2018 Nick Kempe 3 comments

The consultation on the Cairngorms Main Issues Report (see here), the discussion document which precedes the new development plan,  closes this Friday.   The Scottish Government has mooted in the Planning Bill the abolition of such reports with Planning Authorities moving direct the draft plan stage in the name of efficiency.   To their credit, the Cairngorms…

January 5, 2018 Bill Stephens No comments exist

Objection to Planning Application 2017/0254/MIN   Development of a Gold Mine, Glen Cononish, Tyndrum [Editor’s note:  Bill Stephens submitted this objection to the current Cononish gold mine planning application on 5th December.  While the documentation on the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park planning portal (see here) has been added to since then,  Bill’s objection contains…

December 18, 2017 Nick Kempe 4 comments

One of the main arguments for National Parks in Britain and Northern Ireland has always been that planning has a key role in conservation, whether of the historical or natural heritage, and visitor management and that a dedicated National Park Authority will do this better than Local Authorities.   Three matters which have been covered by…

December 6, 2017 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Ref: NOV302727 Notice Type: 02 Contract Notice Title: Review of Cairngorm Ski Area Uplift Infrastructure Published: 30/11/2017 Published by: Highlands and Islands Enterprise Deadline: 10/01/2018 Full Text: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/show/Search_View.aspx?id=NOV302727 (Notice issued by Scotland Contracts Portal) On Friday 30th November, following the public row about their removal of old ski infrastructure from Coire na Ciste which forced…

September 14, 2017 Nick Kempe 11 comments

Large developments are, I believe, fundamentally incompatible with the whole concept of National Parks, wherever they are located across the world.   National Parks are places where the natural environment should come first, not second.  That’s why I, like many people, object to the An Camas Mor development in principle.  We should not be building…

April 15, 2017 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Highlands and Islands Enterprise’s news release on 12th April (see here) on its latest plans for Cairn Gorm – or “CairnGorm Mountain” in marketing speak – was widely taken up by the press.    HIE must be delighted there was so little critical coverage but their announcement raises a number of serious questions.   The truth…