Tag: HIE

November 13, 2018 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Last week I wrote to Charlotte Wright, Chief Executive of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, welcoming HIE’s recognition of the need for investment in new ski infrastructure at Cairn Gorm but suggesting it was now time for them to step aside and let others develop a new plan.   Unfortunately HIE’s pronouncements about their new vision for…

November 8, 2018 Nick Kempe 5 comments

HIE yesterday announced a new £27m vision for Cairn Gorm (see here), along with a video and Executive Summary (here).   The figures dwarf the £4m they had previously identified as necessary to secure the future of CairnGorm Mountain Ltd and Natural Retreats. There are three good things about the announcement.  First, that a public agency…

November 5, 2018 Dave Morris 4 comments

“Claims that the funicular railway is reliant on public money are totally absurd and without foundation”    (Fergus Ewing MSP, 21 Dec 2000). Perhaps the greatest skill possessed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise is their ability to dupe most of our politicians, of every political party, in the European Parliament, Scottish Parliament or Highland Council. Never…

October 30, 2018 Dave Morris 10 comments

There is no hope for the future of Cairn Gorm while Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) remain as owners of the land on this mountain, while also acting as funders of most of the developments on the upper slopes. This was evident from the time that their predecessor body, Highlands and Islands Development Board (HIDB),…

October 15, 2018 Nick Kempe 1 comment

On Friday Cairngorms National Park Authority Board Members voted against the recommendations of their officers and rejected Natural Retreats’ Planning Application for a dry ski slope at Cairngorm.   I must admit that, having just a week earlier praised the CNPA Board for being far more open and prepared to take other Public Authorities than…

October 11, 2018 Alan Brattey No comments exist

Stakeholder Groups continue to view the ongoing situation on CairnGorm Mountain with dismay.  This post takes a further look at how Cairngorm is being managed according to the lease agreement between Highlands and Islands Enterprise and their tenant, CairnGorm Mountain Ltd, a.k.a Natural Retreats.  The lease contains this clause: Section 2: Maintenance Works to Premises….

October 10, 2018 Nick Kempe 4 comments

Cairngorm is a beautiful mountain.  It retains that beauty despite Highlands and Islands Enterprise’s  record as custodians of the Cairngorm Estate during which landscape and wildlife, and all the people to whom these are important, have been shown scant respect.    Despite the unnecessary clutter, rubbish and vehicle tracks the ski areas too retain their beauty…

October 3, 2018 Nick Kempe 3 comments

I had previously arranged to go for a walk to look at the state of Cairngorm yesterday.  Coincidentally, this was a day after HIE announced (see here for News Release) that the funicular would be closed for another month to allow “further investigation” of cracks that have appeared and in the same week that the…

September 28, 2018 Alan Brattey 8 comments

Alan Brattey here explains the background to the current crisis at Cairngorm and his comments as reported in the Strathy. The CairnGorm Mountain Funicular Railway was constructed as a replacement for the ageing Carpark and White Lady Chairlifts, at a cost of £19.54m in public funding and EU funding. Add non-construction costs to that and…

September 12, 2018 Alan Brattey 2 comments

In August of 2017 HIE initiated a clean-up operation on CairnGorm Mountain. A number of environmental groups had campaigned for this action for years and with over 12 months having elapsed since the commencement of the clean-up, it is time now to examine the results and the value for money obtained for the input of…

September 7, 2018 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Following coverage of Highland and Islands Enterprise and Natural Retreats failures to act on health and safety recommendations from independent consultants about the ski life infrastructure (see here),  HIE refused to provide a copy of the latest report (they had provided two previous reports), citing commerical confidentiality and intellectual property rights.   Malcom Garfoot appealed and…

August 21, 2018 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Highlands and Islands Enterprise sold Cairngorm Mountain Ltd (CML) to Natural Assets Investments Ltd in 2014.  The ostensible thinking behind the sale was that the Natural Retreats group of companies would bring new investment to Cairngorm and make it a profitable business. HIE probably also saw this as an opportunity to recover some of the…

August 13, 2018 Alan Brattey 3 comments

Natural Retreats, the operator of the CairnGorm Mountain business, introduced compulsory parking charges at the end of June 2018. These parking charges replaced a voluntary scheme, that had been in operation since 2012, because insufficient funds were being donated, according to Natural Retreats. The amounts donated during each year since 2013 were: £10,426, £11,174, £11,427,…

July 10, 2018 Alan Brattey 5 comments

We decided to walk into Coire na Ciste, Monday 2 July 2018, and then up to the top of the Daylodge Poma and down to the Coire Cas carpark. The ‘path’ that follows the line of the [now demolished] Ciste Chairlift is very eroded at a point above the Allt na Ciste about 100m from…

June 13, 2018 Nick Kempe 4 comments

A planning system stacked in favour of developers The Cairngorms National Park Authority called in the planning application (see here) for a large extension to the Ptarmigan Restaurant at Cairngorm financed out of public funds on the 14th May.   Under their current standing orders they will only report on Objections to Planning Applications which are…

April 23, 2018 Nick Kempe 2 comments

I am back from a couple of weeks ski touring in the Vanoise and, having taken a break from parkswatch last week, thought I would share this week a few things Scotland’s National Parks could learn from the Vanoise.  The Vanoise National Park is the oldest in France, created in 1963, and consists on an…