Tag: grouse moors

January 25, 2021 Nick Kempe 8 comments

Recently I was sent photos, taken in 2019, of a stink pit at the northern end of the 42,000 acre Glenavon Estate, about 5km south of Tomintoul. The person who sent the photos had been alerted by a walker who had stumbled across the pit a couple of months earlier in February and reported finding…

December 31, 2020 Nick Kempe 11 comments

A week after the Herald piece, on 29th December, Prince Charles was interviewed about his views on the natural environment by Margaret Atwood, guest editor for the Today programme (see here – from 2.20.30 to 2.29.30).  It is highly recommended listening.  I had not realised that Prince Charles had been speaking out about the dangers…

April 3, 2020 Nick Kempe 7 comments

In the corona panic, the Scottish Government and our Public Authorities have completely lost all sense of reason.  It will have serious human and environmental consequences. What the Coronavirus Health Protection Restriction Scotland Regulations (see here), passed last week by the Scottish Government without any parliamentary scrutiny, actually say is that you cannot leave where…

March 11, 2020 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Following yesterday’s post Spreading misinformation about Glen Feshie and access in the Cairngorms National Park I have been sent two photos.  The first (above), was sent from Roy Turnbull of the Badenoch and Strathspey Conservation Group to illustrate his comment on my post: “Not only is there now (of course) no restriction of access in…

December 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

Last week Revive, the coalition for grouse moor reform,  issued a new report Untold Suffering about how thousands of animals are killed and trapped on Scotland’s grouse moors.  Its one of the scandals of our time that this slaughter takes place even in our National Parks which were set up to protect nature (see here). …

November 26, 2019 Nick Kempe 3 comments

This short video  was sent to me with the message “take you mind off politics for a moment”!  It shows all the wildlife which used a log to cross a stream in Pennsylvania during the course of a year.   Most enjoyable – do watch – but I couldn’t escape the political implications.  There could hardly…

September 16, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The Cairngorms National Park Authority’s consultation on its new Economic Action Plan, 2019-22, will close on Friday (see here).    While there are some good things in the plan, this post argues its exhortation for people to work together won’t work under our current system and it fails to address the one economic matter over which the…

August 10, 2019 Nick Kempe 4 comments

As the downpours continue, the Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Roseanna Cunningham, should be asking herself why so much of the recent flood damage has been within our National Parks?    Examples include disruption and damage to the rail network near Carrbridge in the Cairngorms (see here), at Ardlui and north of Crianlarich in the…

June 7, 2019 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Background The Planning Bill, which is about to be considered again by the Scottish Parliament, originated as a response to developers who claimed that the Planning System was an impediment to “economic development”.   The real explanation for why developments can take a long time to materialise lies in most developments being driven first and foremost…

March 18, 2019 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Its the muirburn season (1st October to 15th April).  Following my post on muirburn at Mar Lodge (see here), REVIVE has released film footage of muirburn in the Cairngorms National Park  (see here).  This was covered by the Ferret yesterday (see here).   Parkswatch can add to the concerns about the impact of muirburn on the…