May 26, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

My thanks to Stella Bray who asked Patrick Harvie, Leader of the Greens, his view of the camping byelaws in an online question and answer session before the election  His response appears 39 mins and 39 seconds into the video and is worth listening to.    He clearly states that there is no justification for…

May 24, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

The Scotsman three weeks ago carried an article on how the National Geographic Traveller magazine had voted Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Britain’s top National Park because of its stunning landscapes and called it a “Scottish Haven”.    One wonders if anyone voting has passed through Glen Falloch in the past year and witnessed the…

May 17, 2016 Nick Kempe 5 comments

I was out looking at the proposed Trossachs Camping Management Zone with Nick Halls on Monday.  Nick is a compulsive litter picker and spotted an abandoned tent on the west shore of Loch Achray so we pulled into the Ben Venue carpark, operated by Forestry Commission Scotland and picked it up. There are no litter…

May 13, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

In April the Standards Commission decided that  Owen McKee, the former  convener of Planning for the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park who had been trading in the shares of the Cononish goldmine, had breached the Code of Conduct for Standards in Public Life.  They would have suspended him  if he had not resigned  …

May 12, 2016 Nick Kempe 2 comments

David Lintern, the wild land photographer who writes for Walk Highland,  contacted me last week about the Ben Glas hydro scheme, above the Beinglas farm campsite at the head of Loch Lomond.   He has written a heartfelt and poetic piece on his blog  about this, along with photos which show the destruction that is taking…

May 10, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

It was good to see that the Cairngorms National Park Authority have issued a statement condemning the latest raptor killing and its well worth reading Raptor Persecution Scotland’s response This provides all the evidence which anyone might need about why the CNPA needs to act.  However, while I have a lot of sympathy for…

May 9, 2016 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Raptor Persecution Scotland has published information  today about a goshawk criminally killed on a “sporting”  estate in Donside, in the eastern part of the Cairngorms National Park,  in April – the exact location has not been revealed.     The comments rightly raise question about how such crimes are allowed to continue our National Parks and some suggestions…

May 9, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The failure of Aileen McLeod to be re-elected to the Scottish Parliament means there will be a new Minister for the Environment in the new Scottish Government.  This post – which is responsible for our National Parks – has existed, under one title or another, since the creation of the Scottish Parliament.     Dr McLeod was…

May 6, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

In London, what appears to be a  very successful campaign  is developing to turn it into the world’s first National Park city.  The proposal won the support of the Labour, Tory, Liberal Democrat and Green candidates for the London Mayor election.  Its proponents, from health experts to nature conservationists, architects to geographers, are now trying…

May 4, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Like many people, I have not had a good thing to say about the banks for several years.  Following the financial crisis, I came to the conclusion that the banks should not be allowed to issue paper currency or create electronic money, as debt, out of thin air.   Such money is often used in socially…

May 2, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

When Aileen McLeod, the Minister for the Environment, approved the camping byelaws she made a couple of conditions, that the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park produce annual reports and  undertake a three year review.   The Park had previously undertaken a review of the east Loch Lomond byelaws, which was deeply flawed, but which they…

April 29, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The Scottish Labour Party issued its election manifesto on Wednesday, for some strange reason long after the other political parties.    Judging by the 2.7k hits on its website there has not been that much interest but, unlike the SNP, it does make commitments in respect to National Parks: ” Scottish Labour in government  established…

April 29, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

In the Government Press release announcing the camping byelaws Dr McLeod made a powerful claim to justify her decision:   “The evidence that I have seen of damage caused, particularly in some of the most environmentally fragile spots in the National Park, tells a compelling tale of the need for action. Abandoned campsites, discarded litter,…

April 27, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Last week I received EIR 2016-003 Review Response from the LLTNPA which confirmed their decision not to release information about why they had decided to develop a campsite at Loch Chon   I will appeal to the  FOI Commissioner  (my fourth appeal, the first two of which have resulted in the Park releasing information and…

April 25, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Judging by the election manifestos, our political parties do not see National Parks as a political issue issue or believe they are so far down the political agenda that there is no need to say anything meaningful about them.  I think this is not just unfortunate, its a  mistake politically. Part of any vision for…

April 25, 2016 Ron Greer 22 comments

Our current ‘national’ parks in Scotland are little more than a fiasco.  I detest even using that term to describe what the last Labour administration delivered and what the subsequent SNP administration still supports, as what they have given us are not real national parks, but a farrago masquerading as a façade that is parodying…

April 22, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Four months after Owen McKee’s resignation as Convener of the Planning Committee for failing to declare his trading in the Cononish goldmine shares, the LLTNPA Board  appointed him to the Audit Committee – the committee whose function is to ensure the good governance of the Park!     While it is possible to understand the reluctance…

April 20, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

The Standards Commission held its Hearing into Owen McKee, the former Convener of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park’s Planning Committee who had been trading in the shares of the Cononish goldmine,  while I was away last week.  They decided that, had he not resigned from the Park last August, they would have suspended…

April 7, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Angling on Loch Lomond just reached the front page of the Herald yesterday and a sizeable piece inside   The decision to ban the killing of wild salmon in many areas of Scotland was taken by the Rural Affairs, Climate Change of Environment Committee of the Scottish Parliament (RACCE) on 9th March  when they approved…