September 7, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Raptor Persecution Scotland published yesterday a list of over 60 illegal raptor persecution incidents since the Cairngorms National Park was created and are promising a further piece on how the Cairngorms National Park Authority has so far failed to address the issue.  The list is likely to be the tip of iceberg but is…

September 5, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

“As part of the plans which will come into effect for the 2017 season, feasibility work is already well advanced at Loch Chon in The Trossachs on land managed by Forest Enterprise Scotland. It is proposed that the picturesque site at Loch Chon will accommodate 30 tent pitches alongside facilities including a fresh water supply,…

September 1, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

There has been a history of people staying in caravans in the laybys along the A82 south of Tarbert.    The caravan in the photo above was still there when I went past on Monday 29th August.    The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority used  long stays such as this, which are commonly known as…

August 30, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Peter Argyle, the convener of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, published a thoughtful blog piece on 19th August promoting the consultation on the new draft Park Partnership Plan and more specifically the need to work “partnership”.    While I do not doubt Peter’s good intentions, the reality is that many landowners and some businesses in the…

August 29, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

I have been meaning to give a plug for the post,, from Will Boyd Wallis, Head of Land Management at the Cairngorms National Park, on grouse moor management.  He was encouraging people to respond to the current consultation on the CNPA’s new Partnership Plan and I think was suggesting, as far as someone in…

August 25, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

Following James Fenton’s fine post “Just Say No ” and earlier posts on the destruction in Glen Falloch (see here and here) I wanted to write a bit more about the permanent impact that the construction of these schemes is having on the landscape.     This is not just about hydro schemes of course, and issues…

August 22, 2016 Nick Kempe 6 comments

  At the end of last week, while the National had an excellent article by Lesley Riddoch and follow up letter by James Cassidy on access to the countryside, the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority was advertising its latest plans to charge for access.    The contrast between what is needed and the Loch…

August 22, 2016 Nick Kempe 4 comments

The claims Natural Retreats provided this photo in their supporting statement to the Cairngorms National Park Authority for retrospective planning application for the new track they created at Cairngorm.  If the ground had been restored as well as this photo suggests, the heather would now be in bloom – the reality is rather different. The…

August 20, 2016 Nick Kempe No comments exist

  Natural Retreats have finally submitted a valid planning application to the Cairngorms National Park Authority for the new track they constructed and the bank they destroyed (see here) and photo above.  Neither had planning permission.  As the Cairngorm ski area is part of the Cairngorm National Scenic Area  all new tracks there require full…

August 18, 2016 James Fenton 1 comment

I was shocked recently to see what is happening in the wild areas of the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park. Every side glen in the Glens Dochart and Falloch area now has a hydro scheme. This necessitates the construction of tracks high into the hills and the addition of dams into previously wild…

August 18, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

I have been asking the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority what criteria it would use to decide the planning application it is making to itself for a campsite at Loch Chon.  Among the issues is that the Your Park proposals to develop new campsites is not consistent with  the Park’s proposed Development Plan…

August 17, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

One might have thought after all the recent publicity about destruction at Cairngorm that Natural Retreats would have started to take just a little more care.   The latest evidence show nothing has changed and the spin from Natural Retreats bears no resemblance to what is happening on the gound.   Having claimed on their…

August 15, 2016 George Allan 2 comments

Poorly constructed and often illegal hill tracks have visually blighted many parts of the Highlands over the past decades. Recent changes in legislation have brought some measure of control to these but ongoing vigilance is needed. Although this is a Scotland wide issue, it is highly relevant to the National Parks.   Scottish Environment LINK…

August 12, 2016 Nick Kempe 2 comments

Following the inflammatory facebook post from Rothiemurchus estate on campers here and here I had not appreciated the Cairngorms National Park Authority had issued a short new release please tread lightly.    Its tone is highly commendable, highlighting just how inflammatory the Rothiemurchus was, and the message  a positive one:  “We want people to enjoy the…