I know at the behest of the Scottish Government both our National Parks have been promoting scenic routes and as part of this some interesting sculptures have been created over the last year or so including the structure at Inveruglas. To many people like myself though the natural beauty of the area speaks louder than any sculpture. I was dismayed therefore to see the suburbanisation of the Rest and Be Thankful, which should be one of the finest road pass in Great Britain, that took place last year. I wonder what the drovers and the soldiers who built the military road have thought of the turning circle and installation of an urban style bus shelter between Beinn Luibhean and Beinn an Lochain, two of the finest hills in the National Park. I realise the plaque in the bus stop says responsibility for this lay with Argyll and Bute Council, Strathclyde Transport and Transport Scotland but could the National Park Authority really do nothing to influence this? I am all for improving the public transport in National Parks but is this really the way to do this?
Happy travelling
i like your idea of not improving anything. Keep everything as it was in the 1400’s. Get rid of buses, cars planes and the environment would be far better off for it. Do you gave a car, tv, fridge, travel by plane, a computer if not then please continue with your posts but if you have please try to have a look yourself first before passing judgement on others.
Shaun I strongly support improved bus and train services to our national parks. It does not seem to me though that the creation of the bus turning circle anf shelter took any account of the landscape. Do you think this was the best that could be done?