The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) Board meeting today was meant to be held both on-line and in public at the National Park HQ. With the wave of Omicron sweeping the country, I fully expected the meeting to be cancelled but the notice (above) was up last night and still was this morning. As soon as the meeting started today it was clear that it had been moved online:

While the LLTNPA must have devoted some effort to alert Board Members and prevent them turning up to Balloch needlessly, no-one thought to alert the public. By 10.30 the LLTNPA Board was earnestly discussing how they would engage the public in the new National Park Partnership Plan……..”if we do the process well”…………..oh dear!
If you want to observe the proceedings they continue until 3pm. There is a deputation at 1.30pm about the proposals to upgrade the A82 along Loch Lomond, something the LLTNPA Board has so far failed to consider, which should be worth watching (see here).
What a farce! You really couldn’t make it up! Another indication that LLTTNPA are not fit for purpose!