A number of developments have taken place since I covered the unlawful felling of trees and the creation of a new entrance to Ben Cruach Lodge at Tarbet, on the western shore of Loch Lomond, in May (see here).
Coverage in the Helensburgh Advertiser (see here) appears to confirm that Ben Cruach Lodge is owned by David Moulsdale, the millionaire owner of Moulsdale Properties Ltd. Last year Mr Moulsdale launched a plan for a large new development at Tarbet which included Ben Cruach Lodge and land owned by the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority (see here). Mr Moulsdale’s spokesperson made a number of claims to the Advertiser. They bear no resemblance to reality:
“With his close affiliation to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, any development undertaken by Mr Moulsdale would be done so sensitively and in keeping with the heritage and culture of the much loved area”.
Comment: so why did Mr Moulsdale create a new entrance to Ben Cruach Lodge without planning permission? It should be the planning system in the National Park that is the arbiter of whether a development is sensitive or appropriate, not Mr Moulsdale.
“Moulsdale Properties will work in close partnership with the National Park and local residents will be consulted to ensure that any development will only serve to benefit the community.
Comment: neither the LLTNPA nor local residents were consulted about the new entrance.
“The plans are at a very early stage but we intend to be transparent throughout the process.”
Comment: neither Mr Moulsdale nor his company made any announcement, let alone consulted, about the felling of trees and the creation of this new entrance. Neither can be trusted.
If we had a planning system worth the name, the people and companies responsible for unlawful developments such as this would face heavy fines and lose the right to make planning applications in future.
The retrospective planning application
Instead of taking enforcement action, the LLTNPA has asked Moulsdale Properties to make a retrospective planning application for the “Formation of enlarged bellmouth entrance, engineering works to form new driveway and erection of wall and gates. Temporary retention of timber fence and gates” (see here). Why ask someone who has been responsible for an unlawful development to make a planning application unless you have already decided it is acceptable?
The Planning Application has been submitted by Moulsdale Properties on behalf on David Moulsdale. The Agent, Mr Craig Mitchell, is given as residing at Ben Cruach Lodge. This appears incorrect as according to neighbours who have submitted an objection:
” we can confirm that it [Ben Cruach Lodge] is currently vacant, as is Clattochbeg Cottage. It is a property, not a home, owned by Mr Moulsdale whose private address is elsewhere in Glasgow and both properties have remained largely vacant since at least 2014″
The application attempts to justify the development as “emergency works”. This is nonsense. While it unclear exactly how many trees toppled in high winds, that did not justify the felling of large numbers of other trees without the appropriate permissions or the creation of the new entrance. As evidence of part of what happened a local resident has submitted this photo to the LLTNPA:
Moreover, according to another objection, the naturally fallen trees did NOT caused the power outage as the application claims:
The truth, as a number of local objectors have commented, appears to be that David Moulsdale took advantage of the lockdown to go ahead with a development without seeking planning permission.
The Planning Application seeks permission for Mr Moulsdale to retain the unlawfully enlarged entrance, as illustrated by the top photo, and replace the wooden fence with a stone wall.
This could ONLY be justified if the proposed Moulsdale Property development were to go ahead. The proposal is to replace the current narrow drive which serves Ben Cruach Lodge (which can also be accessed by the former military road round the back) with one 9.85m wide. Both it and the bell entrance are designed for the high volume of traffic that would be expected if the land by Ben Cruach Lodge was covered in holiday lodges or the equivalent. If, therefore, the LLTNPA were now to approve this development, they would have effectively given approval to a large chunk of the proposed Moulsdale development. As many local objectors have stated, this should have been reason enough for the LLTNPA to take enforcement action.
Thankfully, while stating the design does not meet their standards,Transport Scotland have also requested that the applicant submit a “Transport Statement of the type and scale of any future development that the proposed access is intended to serve”. What this effectively tells you is they believe that Moulsdale Properties has commenced their wider proposed planning development without any planning application.
If the planning system served the people in Scotland rather than rich developers, Moulsdale’s land around Ben Cruach Lodge would now be removed from his control.
There are a number of other reasons for objecting to the application:
- Under the Local Development Plan the land pertaining to Ben Cruach Lodge has not been designated for a tourist development
- The Bell Mouth entrance is now being used as a layby and turning place, creating danger and disturbance (from idling cars) to neighbouring properties
- It is not in keeping with the highly wooded landscape along this section of the A82, replacing the vegetation which screened the buildings with suburban type walls (presumably to provide views to people staying in a future tourist development)
- The wider drive will increase water run off
- And lastly, if a further application is submitted in due course for a tourist development around Ben Cruach Lodge the increased traffic on the drive and at the junction of the A82 would have a serious impact on the local school and neighbours’ amenity.
A number of excellent objections have been submitted from local residents, including the head teacher of the local school – fantastic to see a local professional speaking out – which you can view on the planning portal. A very strong objection has also been lodged by the Arrochar and Tarbet Community Development Trust (see here). It is a shame that so far the Friends of Loch Lomond and Trossachs have not submitted any objection but then their website still list Optical Express and the Moulsdale Foundation as among their current “Partners and Business Supporters” (see here). It is well past time they dissociated themselves from rich developers who flout the law.
If you know Tarbet and the section of the A82 near the school, please consider lodging your own objection and supporting local residents. You can do so online here.
The felling of trees around Ben Cruach Lodge and the Tree Preservation Order
The work undertaken by Moulsdale Properties included widespread and unlawful felling of trees around Ben Cruach House. After this had been reported to them, it appears to have taken the LLTNPA several weeks to respond, by which time further trees had been felled. My understanding is that the unlawful felling is now being investigated by Forestry Scotland who have the power to issue fines and order that trees be planted.
While the LLTNPA were slow to respond – a contrast to the unlawful felling of trees at Drumkinnon Bay where they issued emergency Tree Preservation Orders within 24 hours (see here) – they may have been hampered by the lockdown. A month ago they issued a TPO for the entire grounds around Ben Cruach lodge .

The explanation and justification for the TPO is strongly worded and is open about Moulsdale Properties’ failures:
This is very welcome and the LLTNPA should be commended for taking out such an extensive Tree Preservation Order. It now needs to be confirmed by the LLTNPA’s Planning and Access Committee and I understand people have until 7th August to comment. You can do so by emailing planning@lochlomond-trossachs.org quoting reference TPO 2 of 2020.
What needs to happen
It should be a cause of considerable embarrassment to the LLTNPA that a developer, who included land owned by the National Park in their development proposal, appears to have started work on those plans without seeking planning permission. Unless the LLTNPA takes robust enforcement action, the suspicion will grow that someone somewhere in the Park Authority had given Moulsdale Properties the impression, whether deliberately or otherwise, that their proposed development could just go head.
The LLTNPA Board now need to clarify publicly what discussions have taken place with Moulsdale Properties about their proposed development at Tarbet, including the potential use of National Park land as part of this. A transparent and accountable Board would, long ago, have adopted a clear procedure setting out how they would respond when land they manage on behalf of the people of Scotland is included in applications from developers, such as has happened with both Flamingo Land and Moulsdale Properties. Until they do this and undertake a wider review of how the planning system in the National Park is being managed, the LLTNPA should not to be trusted.
When what’s seems to be the unlawful felling of mature trees occurs, firstly if reported then why was it not stopped immediately? Secondly now the trees have been felled then if unlawfully a crime has taken place. If so please ensure trees are replanted over the original site and the work paid for by the culprits. Also a fine for the criminal act would seem appropriate.
An absolute disgrace that anyone now appears to be able to destroy ‘ANCIENT WOODLAND’ in one of our National Parks and can then (virtually) say ‘Oops Did we do that? Sorry!’ And then the National Park Authority, offers them the ‘cop out’ of ‘Retrospective planning application – with a clear implication, since they gave the advice, that they will OK the ‘mistake’.
Do you really have to be stupid to be on the National Park Authority board, or is it simply OK to act stupid? I would not even dare to say ‘Corrupt’, but would certainly allow them to claim stupidity. At least, that description, would give them a defence!
This National Park, belongs to all of us and is not the plaything of the rich – no matter how much the NPA apparently encourages them to think so!
We apparently now need a total rethink on the kind of people who form the NPA board and – incredibly in this day and age – we also apparently need a watchdog to watch the watchers (the LLNPA in case anyone misunderstands me).
I will not accuse anyone of being in the pocket of rich developers , but there appears to be an obnoxious smell about some of the ‘developments in the LLNPA area. I am not in a position to comment further, as I no longer live in the LLNPA area, but I can smell the stink, even up here, in Aberdeenshire – or is that (also) the lack of adequate, year round public toilets?
It is at least, figuratively, the same smell!
Must be related to the landlady downstairs. She thinks my house is her house and my garden is her garden. According the neighbours, the civilised ones, she think the whole road is her road and she goes up and down issuing empty threats to people in the vain hope someone believes she’s not insane. I’ve told her she has title deeds to her property and if she read that she’d learn the limits of here jurisdiction. Sadly the imperialists don’t think like that.
Actually there is proof of what Harry Bickerstaff is saying viz. “I will not accuse anyone of being in the pocket of rich developers” In the planning cycle before the last one, I think, I had an objection in about LLTTNP Housing Police. When your name first came to my notice, Nick.
I complained it was all for upmarket development and in favour of the big spenders. I suggested it was a recipe for gated islands of opulence in a sea of dereliction and neglect. (I was a builders’ labourer myself, so I can lay it on with a trowel) As usual the NP Boo! Hooed! and my objection went to the Public Inquiry stage…by that time mostly written submissions unless the Reporter deemed otherwise/another public right and civil liberty stolen. Nevertheless, the reporter ruled in my favour and told the NP to include provisions for Social Housing. Needless to say, no one mentioned one word about “Glamping Pods” at that point.
I had an interesting exchange on YouTube comments this week. I did know better but I got things the wrong way round. The truth is it is the monopoly capitalists who take the lead and provide the driving force behind the historical development of capitalism. They form the elite upper echelons of the ruling class. They are already in power and in with the Government from the start. Their people form the Government. It’s not a case of market competition and the rising corporate stars capturing the Government after the fact.
Early capitalism was dominated by the landed/propertied class with the rising merchant class coming in their wake. They ran the Parliament/Government as well, as monopoly capitalists….they held all the main levers of power.
Next came “The Captains of Industry” during the Industrial Revolution. Now Finance Capital and Big Biz are the monopoly capitalists.
This is what the Neo-Liberals/Libertarians are so outraged about…..their own misconceptions of what capitalism truly represent. It’s never been about “free markets” at all because they have never existed under the power and control of monopoly capital who always had a hand in the economic pie and the political Government pie as well. It’s an easy mistake to make because the liberals sure are a loud and noisy bunch who like to make their presence felt. Indeed, such is their ire the liberals have stooped to calling the arch-capitalists of our time “socialists,” when nothing could be further removed from the truth. They are the most powerful and advanced capitalists there has ever been. They are the richest by far and they are running the Imperial Empire now. These nickel and dime liberals are not even at the races.
The NP/Scottish Enterprise want the riff-raff to stop in Balloch…….and un-spoilt scenic views and havens of tranquillity for their target upmarket demographic…..the big spender monopoly capitalists.