Stephen Campbell, a keen angler, who has commented several times on parkswatch posts and like most anglers is strongly committed to conserving the natural environment sent me this photo taken at the weekend along with the comment “No Difference” and that the rubbish “had obviously been lying for a while”.
The Loch Drunkie dam on Forest Drive is within the Trossachs Camping Management Zone:
Its a bit tucked away though so easy enough for people to go there and party and leave all their rubbish just as they used to do. Proof, as if any is needed, that the camping byelaws have not changed anything in respect of so called anti-social behaviour.
All the camping byelaws have done is displace the people who want to have a party outside, either into the more hidden parts of the camping management zones where they are unlikely to be detected by Rangers, or outside of them. The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority says it has no evidence of displacement but that it because it has set up no mechanisms to report on displacement, either by increasing ranger patrols outwith of the camping management zones or by asking neighbouring local authorities for evidence.
What the LLTNPA has done though is prevent people like Stephen from camping where they used to camp and instead forced them to use certain overcrowded permit areas whether they are any good for fishing or not. The camping byelaws have criminalised the innocent – whom the LLTNPA should have been treating as their key partners in their attempts to reduce rubbish etc – while the guilty get off scot free. This is completely the opposite of what a National Park should be doing
It’s totally wrong. These are PUBLIC spaces and not everyone wants to be crammed in with drunks. You should be free to camp, and be responsible. I’ll camp where I choose to, and leave it as it was before I was there, sometimes better if other people have left any rubbish ill take care of it.
Was at loch earn fishing Monday .the place was packed with campers .Tues morning I spent a while cleaning rubbish up left in one of the camping zones…also spoke to a few campers who never had camping permits .and said they never seen the rangers all bank holiday….1 family pitched up Monday next to me and left Tues without a camping permit .again no rangers…but during the week fishermen are getting penilised for even having a fishing shelter up to keep dry…I turned up one day and the police came and stopped .he said do you know this is an alcohol free zone now…I said ok with a coffee in my hand …we are not all drunks because we fish…..I’m a season ticket holder and enjoy my hobby when left alone
I was along the western end of Loch Ness in a layby at a popular fishing spot wanting to overnight in my campervan. A gentleman knocked on the door around 6 pm and suspiciously asked if I was planning to fish. I told him I wasn’t. When he was satisfied I had no equipment he told me it was his job to move on salmon poachers, and that sometimes they (in his words) were on drugs and sometimes very threatening and left litter. I do find campers who don’t respect the environment annoying and self-defeating. But I guess they’re the same people as any other tourist (or non tourist) sub type that are like that.
I left anyway as I didn’t want to have to deal with that. Just thought I’d show the other side.
Once again evidencing that the bylaw benefits no one that actually uses the park with respect. Those who are going to cause trouble and ruin things for everyone are going to do so whether a stupid bylaw is in place or not.
Can we go back to education and proper anti-social enforcement now?