The claims

Natural Retreats provided this photo in their supporting statement to the Cairngorms National Park Authority for retrospective planning application for the new track they created at Cairngorm. If the ground had been restored as well as this photo suggests, the heather would now be in bloom – the reality is rather different.
The evidence from yesterday
While Parkswatch has a large bank of photos of the “restoration” of the reprofiled slope, its hard to demonstrate the extent of the damage from ground level. The funicular however provides an excellent vantage point.

Natural Retreats further claims about car park ski tow
The evidence from the ground

It was easier for Natural Retreats to dump a couple of planks to help their vehicles get across boggy ground rather than use the new track which they claim was needed to prevent this happening! Photo Credit Alan Brattey

CNPA and HIE need to bring Natural Retreats under control at Cairngorm
These photos provide yet more evidence that Highlands and Islands Enterprise, as landowner, and CNPA, who are responsible for what happens in our National Parks, need to bring Natural Retreats under control in order to protect the environment at Cairngorm. Things they could and should do include:
- stop all off-road use of vehicles in the ski area without consent
- stop all further earth works at Cairngorms, whether requiring planning permission or not, until a proper plan is produced for the area. Any future works should be subject to outside and independent scrutiny/supervision
- CNPA should require Natural Retreats and HIE to pay for a fully independent ecological survey on the extent of the damage and options for restoration and meantime reject the current planning application for a track.
Do you people who write this XXXX use the free car park provided at coire cas ? Or do you walk up ? You busy body half wits are the people who should be banned from the Cairngorms
Get a life please !!!
Martin, the road to the ski centre is a public road and the car parks constructed with public money. While there is no compulsory charging at the carparks, one of HIE’s objectives for Natural Retreats is to increase income from carparks. The carpark, if you have not been there recently, is extremely poorly maintained – not that different to how Natural Retreats appears to be treating the rest of the mountain which was the subject of the post. If you are saying that going to a place by car you should lose the right to comment on that place, I disagree – we would lose a large chunk of our right to free speech.
I think the only practical solution here is for NR to buy or have a custom made tracked vehicle with super-low weight, and huge rubber tracks to spead the weight, thus allowing movement from time-time without creating lots of damage. Im sure that the damage being created with heal with time and that the damage cause between 1960 – 1978, when most of the resort was built was far far worse.
Sorry for late approval of comments, am abroad and not had internet access. I guess the key thing is that the ski operators should now be able to find ways of maintaining the ski areas without creating damage and having vehicles as you suggest is one way of doing this. I am afraid though that the bulldozing of the bank below the shieling tow and of the bank by the Cas gantry are both as bad as anything that happened in 70s and 80s. Plants etc will re-colonise almost everything with time but the change is soil structures may result in new species colonising (as James Fenton explained in previous post on hill tracks) with all types of unpredictable consequences. There are very good ecological reasons to take far more care at Cairngorm than has been happening recently.