One of the objections I submitted to the LLTNPA’s development plan Response – Development Plan and Camping was it used totally different terminology to describe campsites than what has been used in the Your Park consultation – a case of one part of the Park not talking to another. (See
I emailed the Park’s convener of planning, Petra Biberbach (who replaced share-trading Owen McKee), drawing her attention to this last year and asking for a meeting. She declined to see me and none of the points I had raised were even discussed at the Board Meeting which approved the plan.
I was very pleased therefore to be informed that the Reporter appointed to consider the Park’s Development Plan is now asking the LLTNPA for more information about this which is very relevant to the totally unnecessary campsite being proposed at Loch Chon. The important bit is at the bottom where the Reporter has in effect asked the Park what it could do to help people better understand what it means when it talks about camping provision. Exactly what not just I, but the Ramblers and SNH all tried to say to the LLTNPA but which they chose to ignore.
To: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority
Cc: Nick Kempe (662), Ramblers Scotland (701), Scottish Natural Heritage (712)
Dear Mr Killen
I am writing regarding the above plan which has been submitted to DPEA for examination by Scottish Ministers. Under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2008, the appointed reporter can request, by way of notice, further information in connection with the examination. This request is a notice under Regulation 22.
The reporter has identified that further information, as listed below, should be provided by Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority. It would be helpful if you could send this information to me to pass on to the reporter by 5pm on Thursday 14 July 2016. Nick Kempe, Ramblers Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage, who have made representations with regard to this issue, will be given a further 7 days, from their receipt of the authority’s response, to make any comments on your response. Please ensure the authority also send a copy to them.
Please e-mail your response, however, if it is more than 10 pages or in colour, please also provide a hard copy. Please note that DPEA cannot accept hyperlinks to documents or web pages. When replying to this request please quote the request number above.
Issue 22 Visitor Experience
In relation to the provision of facilities and services to enhance visitor experience in the National Park area, a number of references are made to camping provision in the following publications: The proposed new local development plan; ‘Your Park’; and the Planning Guidance on Visitor Experience document.
In this context, representations from N Kempe (662) and Ramblers Scotland (701) have drawn attention to the variations and perceived inconsistencies in the terminology used by the Park Authority in those documents when referring to different forms of camping provision.
Information requested
(1) The park authority is requested to provide a clearer and more detailed explanation of the terminology used or intended in the proposed local development plan with regard to camping provision of different forms and to provide clarification concerning its related policy position if this varies between particular categories of camping provision.
(2) Additionally, to provide clarification regarding how and where the local development plan’s policy position on camping provision should cross-refer to and be supported by more detailed considerations set out in supplementary guidance – and on what basis the terminology used in those documents varies from the terminology used on camping provision in the ‘Your Plan’ document.
(3) The explanations required by (1) and (2) should include possible wording that could be used in the proposed plan to allow users to better understand the approach of the Park Authority regarding camping provision.
Please acknowledge receipt of this request and confirm that your response will be provided within the time limit.
A copy of this request will be published on the DPEA website, together with a copy of the authority’s response:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything you would like clarified.
Yours sincerely
The Scottish Government
4 The Courtyard
Callendar Business Park