Developing a vision for the Cairngorm ski area

June 20, 2016 Nick Kempe 1 comment

Following my post  Ron Greer sent  parkswatch some photos of montane scrub from North America and Norway and some useful links which help illustrate the type of landscape that might result from planting the ski area.

NH1 montane
Montane heath woodland from eco-equivalent zone in North America.  With our own native species complex, this is very like what could be obtained at Coire-Cas and environs. We could thus have an upland sylvan environment with high amenity value and conservation qualities with pistes (with self-repairing& carbon sequestrating capacity living ‘fences’) and walking trails built integrally to it. This is an ‘as well as’ and not ‘an either or scenario’. Photo commentary Ron Greer


Fjällväxter-Norwegian hills near Sweden. The plant species that are pictured in this photo are essentially the same as can be found at Cairngorm and the hill in the background even looks similar.


Here are some useful links from Ron:














1 Comment on “Developing a vision for the Cairngorm ski area

  1. Yes, the ‘post holocaust’ look of the industrially modified ski slopes at Coire Cas could be radically improved by re-establishing our equivalent complex of native trees, shrub and heath species, but more widely we should also contemplate the benefits in terms of flood attenuation in respect of snow retention and modification of run off.

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